Chapter 2: Rise Of The Smiling Critters (part 1)

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(No POV)

It's been a while since Billy Mason died in a padded cell in Playtime Co. and the employees are trying to come up with an idea for the Smiling Critters while Y/n and the other kids are playing around in the orphanage and things have been going well ever since Mason died from a fatal heart attack.

However, Y/n hasn't been able to make any friends in the orphanage except for his favorite toy, CatNap, who is constantly on the lookout for anyone that dared tried to pick on Y/n like an overprotective parent as the two of them have been playing together in Dreamland since the day they became best friends. As for Theodore, who stood up to Billy Mason at the lunchroom that beat up Y/n, took his lunch and gave him a blackeye, he did started playing with Y/n for a least a couple of days until he suddenly became distant to Y/n because of CatNap, due to her own creepy appearance, giving him some trust issues on both Y/n and CatNap.

CatNap was aware of this and she is starting to lose her trust in Theodore, but she soon decided to get back at Theodore for his own behavior and how he started becoming a tattletail as he began snitching on Y/n for no reason. Only this time, she's not going to give Theodore the same treatment that Billy Mason had that led to his own death from a cardiac arrest.

She's going to break Theodore's mind and spirit to teach him a lesson as she began brainstorming a plan to kidnap Theodore while Y/n and the other kids are asleep. Even though that Y/n had a hard time making friends at the Orphanage, except for a kid in an orange shirt and beanie can see how miserable and lonely Y/n is as he decided to become friends with Y/n.

Surprisingly, the two of them actually started a newfound friendship together as they started playing with the Playtime Co. brand toys and Y/n even tells the kid about CatNap, which actually didn't actually bother her from her creepy appearance and eventually the other kids, minus Theodore started bonding with Y/n and CatNap.

Then one day, CatNap actually started interacting with Y/n and the kids as he started taking the role of the Orphanage's own caretaker and takes the role very seriously like she's the definition of the perfect mother figure to the children.

Most of the time, the kids are as happy as they thought they would be as the kids are under constant surveillance from time to time, but it was for their own health and safety and the kids are not allowed to leave the factory under any circumstances. But the company is willing to do anything and everything in their power to make the children safe and happy and will help them find the perfect family that will gladly adopt them.

In the end, the orphans including Y/n soon find out that living in a toy factory wasn't all it was cracked up to be, in fact, the only saving grace was Y/n's favorite toy that kept everyone, happy, safe and entertained, CatNap. She always makes sure that the kids were all safe, sound and will put them to sleep with her sleeping gas.

Right now, CatNap began entertaining the children with her dancing skills and making them happy, laugh with her amazing dancing skills and tricks that she can do like how she can jump rope with her own tail. She made them all feel safe and loved.

Well almost all of them as Theodore began to dislike CatNap taking care of them like she's the talk of the town.

Then the clock struck to 9 o'clock PM, meaning that it's time for the kids to go to bed, but the kids want to play with CatNap some more. Rest assured, the kids will have all the time in the world to play with CatNap tomorrow with full of energy after a good night sleep.

CatNap: Uh Oh. Its 9 o'clock. You know what that means. It's time for bed.

Blue haired boy: (Disappointed) Oh. Do we have to go to bed, CatNap?

Purple shirt girl: Yeah, we don't want to go to sleep. We want to stay up and play.

CatNap: Oh well, I want to play too, but if we don't get a good night's sleep, we won't have the energy we need to play all day tomorrow.

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