Chapter 16: PLAY WITH US, Y/N

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(Authors POV)

Our three brave heroes have made it into the Caverns underneath the toy factory itself with a new Grab-Pack hand that is used as a Flare Gun to scare off any kind of predator unless they are smart and brave enough to not fall for the flares that have been shot from the hand.

But then just as they appeared at the door that has a sign above the door labeled Restricted Access, they can't go through the door unless they have a battery pack to power up the door to gain access to proceed through the Caverns to get back to Playcare.

Luckily, FrownyFox managed to point out where the battery pack for the door was located that's at the far ledge away from the door as Y/n used his Grab-Pack to get the battery pack and placed it into the socket to open the door. Then as they both through the door, they were amazed on how beautiful the caverns looked, but they don't have the time for sightseeing in the Caverns as they both continued on through with a series of puzzles and parkour attempts.

(Timeskip - 8 Minutes of Parkour and Puzzle Solving Later...)

After an 8-minute session of puzzle solving and parkour attempts in the caverns, the two of them made to another door that leads them to one of the Playcare buildings, which is the Playhouse.

Y/n remembered going into the Playhouse a long time ago while the place was still running before he was adopted and he can tell that there's gonna be some scary creatures lurking in there and if they want to get back to Playcare in time before Y/n's transformation is complete and get the job done at the Gas Production Zone, so they can both get out of there and go home.

Y/n used the blue Grab-Pack hand to power up the door to get in to proceed through and get back to Playcare.

Y/n: (Gulp) Well, this one of the few buildings to get back to Playcare and we can't go back into the Schoolhouse, so I guess we have no choice but to go through here to the Playhouse if we want to get back to Playcare.

FrownyFox: Ok, but be careful when we get inside, cause there's no telling what kind of monsters are living.

Miss Delight: Don't worry, FrownyFox. As long as y/n uses the Flare Grab-Pack hand, we should scare them off before they could even attack us.

FrownyFox: I hope so, because I got a bad feeling about this place.

Y/n: Me too. Let's get going before my transformation gets worse.

FrownyFox: Ok. Let's get this over with.

Meanwhile with CatNap and Princess Kitty Paws at the Lab...

Inside the secret lab in the upper floors of Playtime Co. we see both CatNap and Princess Kitty Paws are heading over there to meet up with Y/n's parents that are now fully recovered and become human-sized A/t (Animal Type) Smiling Critters with the father being the color blue and the mother being the color pink as it took exactly three years to fully recover from what happened to them that lead them to their own deaths.

Princess Kitty Paws: Honey? Are you sure this is a good idea?

CatNap: I'm sure it will be. Ollie sent us here to the secret lab to help Y/n's parents get to know the family better since it took 3 years to fully recover and learn to adapt to their new bodies once we release them.

Princess Kitty Paws: I see, but what if they try to fight back when we try to reason with them?

CatNap: Well, honey, that's where you came in. If they try to fight back, you should be able to use your hypnotic Poppy gas to change their minds.

Princess Kitty Paws: Oh right, I forgot that I could do that.

CatNap: Alright then. (To the scientist) Is everything ready?

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