Chapter 12: Escape from Home Sweet Home (Part 1)

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(Authors POV)

After FrownyFox found out that Y/n was knocked out by the Red Mist when he sneaked inside Home Sweet Home to go find Y/n and sneak him out of the orphanage as long as he doesn't try to get caught by the other Smiling Critters that are patrolling the entire area. Luckily, FrownyFox is pretty stealthy when it comes to sneaking into places like Home Sweet Home, which is why he always get into Y/n's backpack in order to protect Y/n from bullies and how he managed to sneak into the vents without drawing any attention to anyone in the area.

However, as FrownyFox is sneaking through Home Sweet Home to find Y/n, he started to feel like he's being followed as he kept turning around from time to time to see who's following him and he just can't shake off the feeling that's being followed. What he didn't know was that a certain green bunny plushie by the name of Hoppy Hopscotch has been following FrownyFox when he entered the orphanage to rescue Y/n and whenever FrownyFox tried to look back to see who was following him, Hoppy quickly behind some stuff before continuing to follow him.

This has caused FrownyFox to walk faster as well as Hoppy before FrownyFox looked back again and managed to catch a glimpse of Hoppy's bunny tail and ears, but he just brushed it off as a normal Hoppy Hopscotch plushie doll and continued to walk down the hallway until he heard someone talking to through an open vent.

???: But what if he tries to escape from us again, Bobby?

FrownyFox: Huh?

He then he went in there to go locate the sound of the voice while Hoppy quietly followed him through the vents as FrownyFox managed to find Bobby Bearhug, PickyPiggy and Craftycorn talking to each other while Y/n is tucked in bed as he started listening in on their conversation.

Bobby Bearhug: Don't worry, CatNap told us to watch over Y/n until he comes back.

Craftycorn: What happened to him by the way?

PickyPiggy: Yeah, I was eating my PB&J in peace until I heard a loud scream. I didn't realize that it had to be Y/n screaming in terror.

Bobby Bearhug: Well, CatNap told me that Y/n screamed in terror and CatNap accidentally scared him to death that knocked him out unconscious.

Craftycorn: That's not something CatNap would do to him.

PickyPiggy: Yeah, I mean, they're best friends and I even share my PB&J sandwiches with him when he was still around. How is that even possible?!

Bobby Bearhug: Y/n breathed in the Red Mist when he entered Home Sweet Home and he must've mistaken CatNap to be some sort of scary monster, which is why Y/n is knocked out unconscious.

PickyPiggy: Oh, that makes sense.

Craftycorn: Yeah, but we shouldn't have to worry about Y/n leaving us again. The guards are blocking off every exit in the factory and the entrance to the factory as we speak. I mean, look at Y/n right now, all grown-up and handsome like. Oh~ It'll be a shame that we have to revert him back to a kid again once we turn him into a Smiling Critter again.

Bobby Bearhug: Yeah, but look on the bright-side girls, once he is one of us, he'll still have the same personality as an adult, but he'll have the same energy and giddiness like a normal child always had. (Squeals) He's so handsome, I just want to hug him and give him kisses to show my love and appreciation to him.

PickyPiggy: I don't know about that, Bobby. What if Hoppy finds out about you have the same feelings for Y/n as she does.

Craftycorn: Don't worry, PickyPiggy. She won't mind sharing Y/n with her, because....I also have a crush on Y/n as well.

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