Chapter 15: Class is Dismissed Forever!

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(Authors POV)

After Y/n and FrownyFox managed to escape from Home Sweet Home and activated one of the back-up generators, our heroes are now ready to head back to the Power Room to get ready to activate the next back-up generator, which is the schoolhouse. Y/n was a bit nervous to go back there and meet her old schoolteacher Miss Delight once again, but he has to find that back-up generator if he and FrownyFox wants to get out of here alive.

Then the phone began to ring, and Y/n grabbed it out of pants pocket and answered the phone.

Y/n: Hello?

Ollie: I see you two made it out of Home Sweet Home alive and found one of the back-up generators?

Y/n: That's right. We both ran into a couple of problems, but we managed to get the job done.

Ollie: Excellent. Now you need to locate the next back-up generator in the old schoolhouse but be warned. Miss Delight in the brain. But as Miss Delight starts chasing you throughout the school, just don’t panic and don’t turn away from her. Just head back to the way you came in and you two should alright.

Y/n: What are you going to do?

Ollie: You'll find out sooner or later but for now, you need to restore the power to the Gas Production Zone. So, what you need to do first is to head back to the Home Sweet Home you just came out of, and you will find a power cord on the porch. Grab it and plug it inside the Power Room as the power from the back-up generator at Home Sweet Home will be sent to the Gas Production Zone.

Y/n: Alright. That shouldn't be too hard to do.

Y/n then used his Grab-Pack to grab the power cord that is next to the entrance to Home Sweet Home and brought it all the way down to the Power Room and plugged it into the machine as the power from the Home Sweet Home back-up generator are being sent to the generator to the Gas Production Zone.

Y/n: Ok, I plugged in the cord to the machine in the Power Room.

Ollie: Good. Now with the back-up power from the Home Sweet Home is being routed to the machine, we are already half-way done to finish the job at the Gas Production Zone. As you can see, every building in Playcare has a back-up generator, but most of them are dangerous to go into, so your best bet is the schoolhouse. You remember how it all happened back then before they had to shut it all down, right?

Y/n: Yes...I remembered what happened in that schoolhouse and it still haunts me to this day....

Ollie: I understand, but if you and your fox friend want to leave the factory, you have to head in there and find the back-up generator. Just follow my instructions on avoiding Miss Delight and you will be fine. Find and turn on the generator, leave as soon as possible and plug the school's power cord into the power room. I won't be able to contact you once you are inside the schoolhouse, but I will keep any eye on you through the hidden camera placed inside the building. I'm sending you the key right now. Good luck.


With that, the key was sent into the Power Room through the tube and Y/n grabbed it as he and FrownyFox are about to head into the schoolhouse. But not until FrownyFox saw something behind Y/n as he developed a F/c (Favorite Color) A/t (Animal Type) Smiling Critter tail.

FrownyFox: Y/n! You got a tail!

Y/n: Huh? (Looks behind him to see his own Smiling Critter Tail) AHH! Is that really a tail?! I have a tail?!

FrownyFox: How is that even possible?

Y/n: well, I think the Red Mist must've somehow corrupted my body that is slowly turning me into one of them.

Never-Ending Nightmare (Yandere Smiling Critters x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now