Madelyn Thornton [Outer Banks]

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Madelyn Thronton

Maly/ Lyn/ Mal/ Maddy

Nicknames:Maly/ Lyn/ Mal/ Maddy

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The Thornton's

Cynthia Thornton

Older brother:
Topper Thornton

-future Pogue



Madelyn is a gentle, witty, loyal and playful girl. Full of energy, she enjoys spending time outside of her house near the beaches or out in the open sea. Overall she's a social butterfly who has no hard time befriending the ones she takes a liking to. Though, when upset, she goes quiet instead of talking to the others about it. Unless she's pissed off, then she can have quite the attitude.

Swimming in general
Swimming with sea life
Being at the beach
Watching sunsets
Helping others
Hanging out with friends
Partying / alcohol

Asocial people
Dark days
Not being respected
Toxic people

She can have kind of an attitude
Not knowing her own limits
Being rather impulsive
Not saying no when she should

Most important Relationships:

Topper thornton:
Topper is her older brother and whilst they get along pretty well with each other he's rather possessive over her, often worried about her well-being and possessive of who she choses to spend time with — especially when it's with other boys — and often checks/stalks where her location's at. Madelyn often comes to her older brother to complain about the treatment she's getting from their mother, to which Topper seems to stand more on their mother's side than on hers.

Cynthia Thornton:
Madelyn, or Lyn as her mother calls her, is clearly Cynthia's favorite child. However, Madelyn also faces severe pressure from her mother. Urging her to spend time with the kooks rather than the pogues. Cynthia can be rather hard on Madelyn and does not intend to let her daughter spend time with JJ, Kiara and the others, even setting Maddy and Rafe up one more occasions than one. Moreover, she wants to control her daughter on what she does and with whom she spends time with.

Sarah Cameron:
Sarah Cameron is Madelyn's best friend since the early years in high school. They often hang out at each other's houses, which became more difficult when Topper and Sarah broke up. Still, the two of them remained best friends and often went out to the ocean or Madelyn helped Sarah safe baby turtles whilst talking about boys and the latest gossip. The two of them are pretty close

Rafe Cameron:
The two of them have a more complicated connection with each other, which others would often point out as "harbored feelings" or as possessiveness of Rafe. It's no secret Madelyn, or Mal -as rafe calls her, is one of the few persons who seems to be able to get through to Rafe and puts a smile on his face. In return he's one of the few who knows about the relation between her and her mother, often reassuring if she's fine or not when the two of them get into big arguments. Yet his toxic behavior often calls for fights to eventually happen. Still, Mal is one of the few persons Rafe actually seems to be gentle with. This changes towards aggression once she starts spending time with the Pogues. Eventhough they clearly have unspoken feelings toward each other, of which Madelyn is too afraid to point out, she mistakenly does so when she gets too drunk

The two girls were pretty good friends before ninth grade, after the fight between Kie and Sarah, Madelyn and Kie lost track of each other. Later, when Sarah joins the Pogues, the two quickly become friends again, talking about the past days. They enjoy each other's company, yet the kooks often causes a small rift to appear between the two of them.

John B:
John B and Madelyn aren't exactly on good terms with each other, even though Madelyn tries to be. John is very wary of her and is cautious whenever she's around, not trusting her due to Topper being her brother and her complication situationship with Rafe. Sarah and JJ eventually manage to get John to loosen up a bit but he still remains cautious. However, when in need of each other, the both of them will try to protect the other. (Especially when it comes to Madelyn being way to drunk)

JJ was one of the first to eventually accept Madelyn into the friend group of the Pogues, not finding it her fault who her brother is. He thinks she should simply be as far away from Rafe as possible and often argues he finds Rafe too toxic. Aside from that they have a strong friendship where they look after eachother and clearly care about one another. Madelyn protects others from JJ when he's too drunk and in return JJ often protects her from others when she's too drunk. Causing quite the chaos to emerge whenever the two of them are around each other. Madelyn tries to comfort him whenever she can when his father starts acting up, even once choosing him over Rafe in a fight. They are often flirty (for fun) toward each other and like to joke around. They also share a mutual interest for traveling and exploring new places, and share a mutual bond when it comes to having shitty parents.

The two of them don't interact often but have mutual respect and kindness toward each other in the friend group, not hesitating to help out to other when they're in need of a hand. Pope however, can be wary of her considering she's close with Rafe and Topper

Other characters to be added further on

Possible love interests:
Rafe Cameron or JJ

Enemies/ people she's not on good terms with:
Ward Cameron
Big John
John B

Biggest enemy:
Carlos Singh

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