𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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It was in the early hours of a normal LA morning. The sun was about to rise and people were getting ready or were still asleep. Kira and Tim were one of them, they were sleeping peacefully in each other arms. It was nothing new. Both of them had been inseparable since the Academy, and friendship became love.

 Both of them had been inseparable since the Academy, and friendship became love

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I wake up to the sound of Tim's alarm. "Tim," I said while I tried to shake Tim awake. But the only reaction I got was a hum. My shaking became stronger, "Tim, wake up". "No," he said. "Yes, today is Rookie Day, did you forget?" "Of course not, but I would rather stay with you," he said. I rolled my eyes and tried to turn around to face him. "You're ok?" he asked as he looked at me and laughed, "Do I look like I'm ok,?" I said a little annoyed. "No, but you look funny the way you move," he said, laughing. I rolled my eyes... "I want to remind you that this is your fault," I said while placing my hand on my stomach.  He laughed and said, "Always remember it always takes two to.." he didn't get any further because I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. He laughed, looked at me again briefly, but then got up and went into the bathroom. The pregnancy was anything but planned, but nevertheless the pregnancy brought us even closer together...

8 months ago

"How many Tests did you take?" Angela asked while she came to my bathroom. "Too many," I said with a sigh as I turned over the 5 pregnancy tests. Angela gently stroked my shoulder. "You and Tim have certainly talked about children before, right?" "Yeah, kind of." I sighed, "We wanted to enjoy more time together, get married, have a honeymoon, and then think about children in the future. But now, I don't even feel ready to be a mother yet and Tim, what if he leaves me?" I cried. "Nobody will leave you," Angela said and sat down next to me.

"Neither I will leave you nor will Tim leave you... he loves you. You have already experienced so much, both positive and negative, one more thing won't break you apart, trust me. And it is Tim we're talking about, we both know he can't survive without you, but if he still does something stupid, let me know" she said with a wink. Now I had to laugh a little too.

The rest of the time we sat quietly next to each other, only the ringing of my alarm broke the silence. "Here comes nothing." I turned the first test around...positive, maybe a mistake, then the second, the third, the fourth, and the fifth, all positive. "No," I said quietly, but not so quietly that Angela heard me. "And?" she asked. "Positive," I said quietly.

I turned around to look at Angela, but I didn't notice how many tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Hey, hey, everything will be fine," she said as she hugged me. At exactly that moment, I heard the front door open and Tim entered the house. "Kira?" he asked, but I couldn't answer. I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer, but I didn't pull away from Angela's embrace. "What happened?" Tim was standing in the doorway of the bathroom when he saw me, he asked again "What happened?", but now with even more panic in his voice. I broke away from the hug and now looked back and forth between Angela and Tim. "I'm going to leave you alone," Angela said before leaving the bathroom, but not before she whispered something in Tim's ear.

𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now