𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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The sun hadn't risen yet, but I still couldn't sleep

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The sun hadn't risen yet, but I still couldn't sleep. I sat outside on the patio with my cup of tea and listened to the birds chirping. I've had very little sleep lately, because every time I went to sleep, the babies started playing soccer in my stomach. Maybe Tim was right and we will have two active boys. Time went by so quickly, by next month we'll be holding them in our arms, I thought as I ran my hand over my stomach. I'm glad that Tim will soon be going on parental leave, firstly I won't have to worry about anything happening to him, and secondly I'll finally have some company. I'll be honest, I'm slowly running out of ideas. The nursery is finished, the house is pretty much always tidy, and my open cases are all closed. The idea of getting a dog has been buzzing around in my head for a while, and it would be a good time. But we won't be at home forever, what about him when we're both back at work? Neither Tim's family nor my family could look after him. Apart from his sister, Tim has no one else, his mother died a few years ago and for understandable reasons, there is no longer any contact with his father. The contact with my family is very good, and they have welcomed Tim very warmly. The problem is that they live over 4112 km away and the rest of my family live on another continent. When I was three, my parents moved to Hawaii with me, my sister, and my brother. I couldn't complain about my childhood, and my parents definitely helped us with the move. I loved my home country, but if we hadn't moved, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be sitting here today.

I was still so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice Tim sitting down next to me. "Are you thinking about the dog again?" he asked as he put a blanket over my thighs. Although Tim and I have known each other for ages, it's creepy that Tim always knows what I'm thinking. "Stop it" Tim just laughed, "You always have that look when you're thinking about a dog." "Do you think we could get one at some point?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure we could, but now just isn't the right time. The babies need our full attention and besides, the house will be packed," he said with a laugh. My family. When I told my family that I was pregnant, I was afraid that my mother would pack her bags and move in with us straight away. She was so happy, I can't remember the last time she was so happy. I managed to convince them to just visit us. But when I found out I was having twins, I wanted my parents to move here.

We agreed that they would come and visit us three weeks before the due date, just to give us some extra support. We agreed on three weeks because my doctor said that twins like to come earlier. "What time is it?" I asked Tim "5:30" "Why are you awake already?", "I could ask you the same thing", "But you know my answer," I said innocently. "I turned around and realized that your side was empty and since you come here when you can't sleep, I put 1 and 1 together," he said proudly. "Wow, you'd make a great detective," I said ironically. "Hey, be nice," Tim said with a laugh. "But no, I'll leave the detective job to you" "What an honor." We sat on the terrace for a while until we decided to go back inside and make breakfast.

"What are you up to today?" Tim asked me. I know that Tim doesn't want to hear that, but he has to go through it now. "I have to go to the station again today," I said, and Tim looked at me questioningly. "Angela and I have to give evidence in a case of mine. It's due to go to court next week." Tim's gaze softened when I mentioned Angela. "Angela is with you?" he asked me gently. "Yes, she's picking me up, we'll go to the testimony together, and then she'll drive me home again. She's off today." I knew Tim wasn't happy about it, but the fact that Angela was there reassured him. Tim disappeared into our room and I turned my attention to our breakfast. 

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