𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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Today is Tim's last day of work before parental leave and, it's Tim's second favorite day after Rookie Day

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Today is Tim's last day of work before parental leave and, it's Tim's second favorite day after Rookie Day. Plain Clothes Day. I liked Plain Clothes Day just as much because I was usually the detective who was called in when the rookies thought they needed a detective. I've been called to the most bizarre crime scenes, I loved it. Also, Tim always kept me informed throughout the day, and I was always the first to know that the next rookie was leaving. But it wasn't just Tim who kept me informed, the rest did too. We created a group with Angela, Talia, Tim, and me, and we kept each other up to date. "Oh wow, someone's dressed up for Plain Clothes Day." "Don't I always look good," Tim asked with a sly grin. "Of course you do," I said, pressing a kiss to his lips. 

"Uh, pancakes," Tim said happily and put some on a plate. 

"So you know my family wanted to come," I told him as I sat down with him. "Yes, they wanted to come in a week." "Yeah, about that. My mother texted me earlier that they wanted to come tonight." I said so quickly that I didn't even understand myself. Tim looked at me with wide eyes, "What?" "Yeah, she said she couldn't take it anymore, and I mean, I can understand her, we haven't seen each other for almost a year." "Yeah, but I thought we could still use the week for time together until they came, but now." "You'd have to pick them up tonight after your shift too," I said quietly. "I'm not allowed to drive" "Of course, will you let me know when they arrive?" "Of course. My mother also said she wanted to go out for dinner with us. Restaurant suggestion?" "Always, I'll tell her later when I pick them up." "Is your brother coming alone?" asked Tim. Yes, my brother is the oldest of the three of us. My brother is a great person, but things aren't going too well in that relationship. "Yes, his last relationship ended nine months ago and according to my mom, he hasn't got a new girlfriend yet, and he moved back in with my parents," I said with a sigh.

"Hey, what about Lucy, does she have a boyfriend?" "I thought she had a thing with Nolan" "Tim. I sighed. Do you read our group chat?" Tim just rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Talia told texted us that Nolan ended it, on her advice." "So she doesn't have one, I think" Tim said. "You're riding with her, she might have said something," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a boyfriend, the way she's sulking." "Then why don't you invite her to dinner, and then she'll meet Liam?" "You want to set your brother up with my boot?" "Yes" Tim looked at me with a strange look, "They're both lonely. You just said she's pouting to herself, maybe then she'll stop pouting." "Your brother is a fireman," he said in disgust. "They're hot, what's your problem? The advantage is that he's in uniform, but not a policeman." "You're weird," he says. "And besides, it doesn't necessarily have to end in a relationship, maybe they'll be best friends," I said, shrugging my shoulders as I put my plate away. 

"I'd better call Lucy right away, maybe she already has plans." "I don't think so, her life is super boring." "Tim, don't say that," I said and hit him lightly on the arm.

On the Phone


"Hey, it's Kira. Do you have any plans for tonight?"

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