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The night went okay

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The night went okay. Both Aurora and Leano woke up several times during the night, Tim was always awake and helped me with the little ones. I think we have already developed our routine for the nights. I was breastfeeding the little ones when Tim came into the room with a tray of food. "Hey, I got you your favorite breakfast." He put the food on the small table and I looked curiously. Rice pudding with fruit, waffles, and fruit tea. I prefer to drink black tea or coffee, but due to pregnancy and now breastfeeding, I don't drink it. "Thank you, that's sweet, but did you bring yourself anything?" "Of course," he showed me the second tray with the same food, only he had a black coffee. I had just put them both on to breastfeed, and I now know that they both use me as a pacifier after some time, so food was out of the question for me for the time being. "Don't you want anything to eat?" asked Tim, I looked at him and nodded my head down to signal that my hands were full. "Oh. Move over a bit" "Are you serious Tim?" I asked, a little annoyed. "Right," Tim sat down on the edge of the bed, took a spoonful of rice pudding and brought it to my mouth. "Better?" Tim asked. "Definitely," I said with my mouth full and completely satisfied. 

Angela and Talia visited us in the afternoon, Angela was completely over the moon and was happy. I knew that Talia was happy too, but she didn't show it very much. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked Angela. "Of course" She picked Aurora up first. "Do you want Leano?" I asked Talia. I saw her thinking, I knew she wasn't the type for children, but I thought it would be good to ask anyway. "Okay," she finally said. "Do you want to sit down?" I asked. She sat down on the sofa where Tim had slept last night, and then I gave her Leano.

Last night was the first time I got up after the birth, I was still a bit wobbly from the medication, but the more I got up, the more confident I became. Now that I was up, I stood still for a while and packed a few things. Leano had another check-up this morning and fortunately, nothing was found there either. I was also examined and everything looked very good. That's why the nurse told us that we could go tomorrow. I'll be honest, the hospital was good, but I already miss my bed, our couch, and my family, and I'm so happy that we can finally leave tomorrow. 

"How was the birth?" Angela asked curiously. I took a deep breath and asked, "the truth?" "Speak up, of course!" "My cervix was already 6 cm open when I got here. It all happened quite quickly at the beginning, I didn't have time for an epidural, and suddenly I was told to push and then Aurora came. Not even 5 minutes later I was told to push with the next contraction, but there were no more contractions, then the midwife put her hand inside me to see how the little man was lying, then the heart sounds were checked, and it was checked whether the little one had the umbilical cord wrapped around him. The midwife's hand was still inside me, and she tried to guide the little one's shoulder towards the exit, the shoulder wanted to come out first so he got a little stuck. The midwife then turned him a little with her hand and then the contractions slowly came, and then it went pretty quickly." Angela's eyes grew wide, "You did all that without an epidural?" "Yes, it was already too late for that." Angela looked around for a moment, her eyes went to the door and when she realized that no one was coming in. Tim was on his way, he wanted to get some things from home and wanted to give us "girl time." So she asked off. "She put her whole hand in your vagina? Didn't that hurt, was it uncomfortable?" "Yes, Angie, her whole hand was inside me. I realized it, but at that moment I just wanted Leano out, I didn't care how!" I said laughing. 

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