1. {Morning Meetings}

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As you stride into the conference room, your gaze meets Barnes', a silent exchange of acknowledgment passing between you. These obligatory morning debriefs have grown tediously routine, a mere prelude to your day. Mentally noting to express your discontent to Tony later, you settle into your seat across from Bucky at the expansive table.

Arriving tardily, all eyes pivot towards you as you hastily claim your place. Tony, the sole figure standing, shoots you a disapproving glance for your lateness, but you simply offer an innocent smile and settle in comfortably.

It's been a while since you've seen Bucky around the compound, perhaps a week. You recall he was recently deployed on a mission with Rogers in the Middle East. Observing the weariness etched into his features, you divert your attention as Stark commences the morning briefing with the team. Present in the room are Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and yourself, while the rest of the team is connected via a conference call.

As the meeting progresses, your attention intermittently shifts to Bucky. A subtle smirk graces your lips as you mentally review the ongoing prank war between the two of you, pondering who currently holds the upper hand. Recollection flashes of his last elaborate scheme, where he feigned a transformation into the Winter Soldier, sending you on a frantic chase throughout the compound, a sick prank that left you half-terrified and wholly impressed – the twisted fucker.

A suppressed chuckle escapes you at the memory, drawing Bucky's curious gaze. His eyes meet yours, a silent exchange of amusement passing between you, even as Tony continues his monologue. With a mischievous glint in your eye, you hold his gaze, knowing full well it's your turn to retaliate in this ongoing game of pranks.

Sensing Bucky's bemusement but undeterred, you redirect your focus to Stark's briefing. Meanwhile, your mind races with possibilities for your next prank. It needs to surpass the previous one, the infamous incident involving faux severed fingers during your ill-fated attempt at cooking for the team. Courtesy of that kid Parker's scientific experiments, the realism of the blood spatters nearly rendered Bucky unconscious at the horrific sight.

Lost in contemplation, you absentmindedly slip your feet out of your shoes, idly rubbing them together beneath the table as you mull over potential schemes. Suddenly, inspiration strikes, and you pause, a mischievous glint in your eye as a devious plan begins to take shape.

You feel a surge of hesitation as the risky idea unfolds in your mind. It's undoubtedly boundary-pushing, likely to surpass all previous pranks between you and Bucky. Despite recognizing the potential for things to go awry, you struggle to shake off the tantalizing notion.

Glancing up, you find Bucky's eyes fixed on you, his penetrating gaze betraying his keen awareness of your contemplations. He's been observing your silent deliberations, sensing that mischief is afoot, and it won't be long before he discerns that it's your turn to strike in the ongoing prank war.

The weight of his scrutiny spurs you into action. With a resolute nod to yourself, you decide it's now or never. Whatever risks the plan entails, the thrill of outwitting Bucky outweighs the potential consequences. It's time to execute your scheme.

Capitalizing on the moment when Bucky's attention is absorbed in the conversation between Rogers and Stark, you seize the opportunity to set your plan in motion. With a calculated move, you extend one leg beneath the table, aligning its length with the width of the conference table separating you from Barnes. Your heart quickens as Bucky shifts in his seat, but he remains engrossed in the discussion, oblivious to your covert maneuver.

Suppressing a smirk, you divert your gaze back to the meeting, your lips pressed into false attentiveness. With a steady movement and bated breath, you inch your foot forward until it comes to rest between Bucky's outstretched legs, the ball of your foot making contact right between his thighs.

𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚜 ~ 𝓑𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓑𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now