7. {Happy Birthday}

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Weeks have passed since the mission in Los Angeles, yet the lingering unease between you and Bucky remains as it darkens your interactions. Despite your best efforts to maintain a sense of normalcy, the distance between you only seems to grow with each passing day.

Bucky has taken to avoiding you, his absence in the morning briefings becoming increasingly noticeable. When he does attend, he sits further away, his demeanor distant and detached. More often than not, he is absent altogether, joining the meetings via conference link from some undisclosed location.

As for you, you throw yourself into your work, burying yourself in missions and tasks in an attempt to distract yourself from the agitation brewing within. But no matter how busy you keep yourself, the emptiness persists, a constant reminder of the fractured bond between you and Bucky.

But tonight is different. It's your birthday, a rare occasion for celebration amidst the craziness of your lives as Avengers. And despite the strained dynamics between you and Barnes, Natasha has insisted on throwing you a small gathering to mark the occasion.

Now, as you stand in Natasha's room, surrounded by an array of dresses and makeup, you can't help but feel a flicker of excitement amidst the uncertainty of the evening ahead.

Natasha flashes you a warm smile as she hands you a dress, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I think this one will suit you perfectly," she says, her tone playful yet reassuring.

You glance down at the dress, a shimmering fabric that catches the light in all the right places. With a nod of gratitude, you begin to slip into the dress, the soft fabric hugging you in all the right places.

"So, plans for tonight, just so I'm prepared," Natasha begins, her focus fixed on her mirror as she meticulously applies a coat of crimson lipstick. "How much of a blur are you aiming for?" She smiles mischievously through the reflection, her gaze locking with yours as you settle into a chair, adjusting a pair of elegant heels.

"Well, I'm thinking somewhere between 'an unforgettable night' and 'completely forgetting my own name'," you reply with a grin, matching her playful tone. "But let's see where the night takes us."

Natasha lets out a melodious laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Sounds like a plan," she says, her lips curving into a knowing smile. "But just remember, it's your birthday, so feel free to make a scene if the mood strikes you."

With a playful wink, she finishes applying her lipstick and turns to face you, her gaze appraising your appearance with an approving nod. "You clean up nicely, Y/N," she remarks, her tone genuine. "Bucky won't know what hit him."

Your eyes roll at the mention of Bucky, a hint of exasperation tempered by a playful smile. "That's assuming Barnes graces us with his presence... He's been MIA from the compound for days," you remark, moving to crouch beside Natasha, your fingers delicately selecting a pair of earrings to adorn your ensemble.

"What happened between you two back in LA? I thought you were both reveling in your fucked up warfare together," Natasha inquires, her smirk lingering as she turns to you, her gaze probing for answers.

You pause, the memory of that night in Los Angeles. "It's... complicated," you begin, your voice trailing off as you search for the right words to convey the events that had unfolded between you and Bucky.

Natasha raises an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Complicated? That's a new one," she remarks, her tone laced with amusement. "Care to elaborate?"

"I may have overreacted and I may have almost cost the mission..." Your eyes momentarily shift away, a shadow of regret passing over your features, before you straighten up and stride over to your purse, gathering your essentials for the night.

𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚜 ~ 𝓑𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓑𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now