5. {You're Welcome}

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Bucky settles himself into his usual seat at the conference table, his expression unreadable as he glances around the room. It has been another couple of days since that unforgettable moment with you in his room, and he couldn't shake the lingering sense of anticipation for the payback he has planned.

As the first to arrive, he takes the opportunity to gather his thoughts and prepare for what was to come. Tony and Steve enters the room shortly after, their casual banter filling the air as they took their seats. Bucky observes them with a hint of amusement, knowing that they were completely oblivious to the prank war brewing between you and him.

Meanwhile, you were on your way to the meeting room with Natasha in tow, engaged in a lively conversation about recent events. The two of you were deep in discussion, completely unaware of what's about to unfold today between you and Bucky.

"Okay, but don't you think this is pushing the boundaries a bit too far between you and him?" Natasha quips as you both stroll down the corridor at a leisurely pace, earning a quizzical look from you.

"Well, it's not as if we can take it much further, can we?" you retort, feeling slightly annoyed by the abrupt change in conversation. The air between you shifts from light-hearted giggles about recent escapades with Bucky to a more serious tone.

"I'm just saying, Y/N," Natasha pauses, searching for the right words, "I'm all for the sex aspect, but have you two even shared a kiss?" she asks, her words hanging in the air. You open your mouth to retort, but pause, furrowing your brow in contemplation.

"Um, no," you admit, acknowledging Natasha's observation. Despite the numerous intimate encounters you've shared with Barnes, the intimacy of a kiss has remained absent. "But why does that matter? We're friends who, apparently now and then, engage in bit of physical activity," you chuckle, failing to fully grasp Natasha's concern.

"It doesn't, I'm just playing the role of the caring friend, advising you to tread cautiously, that's all," Natasha responds, a hint of weariness in her sigh. Despite her words, she maintains a reassuring smile and shrug as you both approach the meeting room doors, earning a small eye roll from you.

As you step into the room, you both find your usual seats and settle in. Your eyes dart briefly to Bucky, who greets you with a polite smile, already raising your suspicion. You watch him closely as you drop your bag onto the seat beside you and place your cell phone on the table, ensuring it's on silent as per Tony's morning meeting ritual.

As the meeting progresses, you find it difficult to concentrate, Natasha's words echoing in your mind. You steal a glance at Bucky, seated opposite, engrossed in the discussion. His presence alone is enough to distract you, memories of your recent encounters flooding your thoughts.

You can't deny the growing tension between you and him, the line between friendship and something more becoming increasingly blurred with each passing day. Despite your attempts to rationalize the situation, there's an undeniable longing that lingers beneath the surface.

Tony drones on with his usual lengthy monologue, exacerbated by Steve's persistent questioning that often leads to heated debates between the two. You tune out, uninterested in listening any further, but suddenly, a sound emanates from your bag, drawing your attention.

The room falls into an uneasy silence as the sound from your side captures everyone's attention. Frowning back at the curious stares, you follow their gaze to your bag, where the familiar buzzing persists.

"Y/N, I've said it before, phones on silent," Tony reprimands with a disapproving glance, making you feel a pang of confusion since you're sure you had already silenced it.

𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚜 ~ 𝓑𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓑𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now