4. {Sneaky Little B***h}

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The gym is alive with the sounds of exertion—weights clanging, heavy breathing, and the occasional grunt of effort. Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers are currently engaged in a rigorous training session.

Drops of sweat glisten on their foreheads as they spar with each other, their movements a blur of speed and precision. But even the most skilled warriors need a moment to catch their breath, and they now find themselves on a brief break, leaning against the gym's cool metal walls.

Bucky unscrews the cap of his water bottle, taking a long, satisfying gulp of the refreshing liquid. His muscles ripple beneath the sheen of sweat, evidence of the intense workout they've been enduring. Steve wipes his brow with a towel, his chest rising and falling steadily as he recovers his breath.

Meanwhile, it's your turn for the mundane task of city duty today, and you've been paired with Sam Wilson.

Exiting the compound, you find Sam waiting by the sleek black SUV assigned to you for the day. He offers a friendly grin as you approach. "Ready for some excitement, Y/N?" Sam quips, a playful glint in his eyes as he gestures towards the vehicle.

You chuckle in response, "Oh, I'm sure certain others will be having a much more exciting day than you and me, Wilson," you reply with a shrug, though there's a hint of knowing in your voice.

Earlier this morning, a revelation struck you like a bolt of lightning, jolting you from your slumber and propelling you into action. Two days have passed since Bucky once again outmaneuvered you on your shared playing field. Increasingly frustrated with the situation, you resolved to devise something truly brilliant, and brilliant you have.

Under the cloak of the rising sun, you slipped out of the compound, embarking on an unusual errand to a nearby store for the main ingredient of your prank. Upon your return, you headed straight for the kitchen, your mind ablaze with creativity as you set about concocting your idea.

You procure two packets of a specific male enhancement drug, a sly grin forming on your lips as you release each pill onto the counter, relishing the faint clatter they make. Swiftly, you retrieve the nearest blunt object from a drawer and begin pulverizing the pills into a fine powder in a small bowl.

Recognizing that this might be an excessive amount for a typical victim, but considering Bucky Barnes' enhanced abilities, you're convinced that a more potent dose is warranted. With a sense of satisfaction, you dispose of the damning packets in the trash before carrying the bowl back to the bedroom quarters of the compound, poised to await the next phase of your plan.

You linger in your quarters, your senses attuned to the rhythm of footsteps echoing down the hallway as the men make their way to the morning briefing. Among the casual chatter of Sam and Steve, you catch the distinctive tread of Bucky's footsteps, a cue that he's in tow.

Sensing the opportune moment, you seize it, clutching the bowl tightly as you hasten down the corridor toward Bucky's room. With practiced ease, you push open the door, sliding inside with a quick, silent grace, your pulse quickening with anticipation.

Once inside, you waste no time, scanning the room with sharp eyes for the telltale container of workout powder that's a staple for all of them. Each passing second feels critical as you search, the rush of adrenaline heightening your senses and sharpening your focus.

With a surge of satisfaction, you seize the tub of workout powder and allow a triumphant smile to grace your lips. Perching on the edge of Bucky's bed, you waste no time in prying open the lid and deftly emptying its contents into the waiting bowl. Swiftly, you seal the tub once more, giving it a brisk shake to obscure any signs of meddling.

𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚜 ~ 𝓑𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓑𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now