9. {You're Mine}

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You find yourself standing in front of the mirror in your room, your reflection staring back at you with a mix of uncertainty and determination. You're in the midst of getting ready for the date your ex-boyfriend had invited you to, an invitation you accepted more out of spite towards Bucky than genuine interest.

As you adjust the collar of your dress, Natasha's voice interrupts your thoughts from the doorway. "So, spill it. What the hell happened at the grocery store?" she demands, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe with a look of curiosity.

You pause, setting down the mascara wand and turning to face her. The memory of the encounter in the grocery store aisle resurfaces, igniting a spark of frustration within you.

"It was ridiculous," you mutter, running a hand through your hair. "Bucky was being his usual infuriating self, but this time, he took it to a whole new level."

Natasha raises an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Oh? Do tell."

With a sigh, you recount the events of the grocery store, from the tense exchange with Bucky to your ex-boyfriend's unexpected appearance. Natasha listens intently, her expression shifting from amusement to concern as you speak.

"So, let me get this straight," she says, stepping inside and focusing her attention on you. "Bucky tried to stop you from going on a date with your ex?"

You nod, feeling a mix of annoyance and defiance bubbling up inside you. "Yeah, he practically begged me not to go," you reply, your voice tinged with bitterness. "But why should I let him dictate what I can and can't do? If he's not willing to man up and address whatever's going on between us, then I'm not going to sit around waiting for him to make yet another move, to then back out days later."

Natasha studies you for a moment, her gaze piercing yet understanding. "I get it," she says finally, her tone sympathetic. "But are you sure going on this date is the right move? If you want my opinion, you and Barnes need your heads smashed together."

"Then it's a good job, I wasn't asking for your opinion, Nat." You retort sharply, feeling a surge of irritation at her words. Your frown deepens as she takes a seat on your bed, her presence adding to the weight of the conversation.

Natasha raises an eyebrow at your sharp retort, unfazed by your irritation. Instead, she offers you a knowing look, her expression conveying both understanding and a hint of amusement. "Fair enough," she concedes, her tone unapologetic. "But you know I'm right, Y/N. You and Bucky have been fucking around with each other for far too long. It's time to address whatever's going on between you two."

You release a frustrated sigh, running a hand through your hair in exasperation. "I've already tried. Remember my birthday?" 

Natasha chuckles slightly at this, shaking her head in amusement. "No. You riled him up, causing a scene just so you two could then sneak off and fuck in Tony's car," she corrects bluntly, her arms folding across her chest. Despite her straightforwardness, she wears an amused smile.

You can't help but let out a half-hearted chuckle at Natasha's blunt recap of your birthday antics with Bucky. "Okay, maybe not the most conventional way of addressing things," you concede, a wry smile playing at the corners of your lips. "But you have to admit, it got his attention."

Natasha arches an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "Oh, it definitely got his attention," she agrees with a smirk. "But maybe it's time for a more... direct approach. No more games, no more pranks. Just you and Bucky, hashing things out like adults."

You consider Natasha's words, the weight of her advice sinking in. Maybe she's right. Maybe it's time to put aside the playful banter and confront the underlying tension between you and Bucky once and for all.

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