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chapter; twenty-two

act two; twilight - new moon

QUICK UPDATE; THEY ARRIVED BUT STOPPED BY POLICE, SO BELLA RUNS AND DRAMATICALLY LEAPS OVER FOUNTAINS WHILST THE OTHER THREE WALK PEACEFULLY. The remaining three slip through the castle door, appearing in front of two of the guards. Alice removed her sunglasses and headscarf, which were used to keep the sparkly skin out of sight.

"Come on guys, it's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene." Alice somewhat taunted. Eleanor and Luca kept their heads down, but the former couldn't help let out a gag from the sight of Bella clinging onto her half-naked brother as if he were life support.

A blonde struts down the hallway, removing her hood as she does. "Enough." She spoke. 'Dramatic or what?' Eleanor rolled her eyes internally, earning a glance from Edward, oh how she missed the privacy in her head whilst he was gone.

While within the Volturi's presence, Eleanor knew she'd have to attempt to hold her tongue a lot more than she would have to at school or home. Which was something she didn't like doing.

"Jane." Edward bowed his head slightly, as if showing some respect to her, which was a sight Eleanor adored. She wants to keep Jane now, just to keep Edward in his respectfully place. As far back as possible, according to Eleanor.

Eleanor took this time to truly look at her brother, her eyes glued to his face, not wanting to see his scrawny body. She noticed the darkness around his eyes, his skin had a sickly tinge to it, and his lips seemed chapped as if he hadn't fed in a long time. She saw the look of his throat, like he was desperately trying not to breathe, due to lack of feeding, and his bloodsinger clung to his arm.

The red-eyed vampire paused, a few steps short of the Cullen clan, plus two. "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." She glanced between the two vampires either side of her. Then turned on her heel, walking away.

"Just do as she says." Alice instructed the three humans, as they all began following after Jan.

They were led down a series of hallways, then to an elevator. "For an old castle with ancient people, they have some pretty modern things." Eleanor whispered to Luca, forgetting that it could be seen as an insult to the ancient people, whom had extremely enhanced hearing. Such a key detail Eleanor always forgets.

The group of 8 were uncomfortably crammed into the elevator, and walked through a lobby of sorts, and was greeted by a woman in Italian. The current area looked much nicer than previous, with the damp hallways and candles on walls. The place they were in now seemed much less like it was pulled out of a medieval game. "Modern enough for you?" Jane glanced at Eleanor with a smirk, and a shiver ran down the human's spine.

They were led through double doors, entering a circular shaped room with a dome ceiling. The majority of the room seemed to be made of marble, including some of the benches against the wall. Opposite the doors were three thrones, the middle one seemed bigger and slightly more in front than the others. The thrones were on a curved platform with a wide hallway behind them.

"Sister, they sent you out to get one, and you bring back two, and three halfs." A young looking boy stated. "Such a clever girl." He praised.

Eleanor's brows furrowed slightly as she repeated the maths in her head, was this kid dumb? "Three halfs makes one and a half, is he dull or something?" Eleanor questioned to Luca, not intending it to be as loud as it was. Her question echoed slightly within the silent room. Luca snorted a laugh, but covered it with a cough.

"What a happy surprise!" The man in the middle throne stood up, his arms thrown out like he was going for a hug. He looked rather short and had long black hair. Eleanor studied him for a second, and realised who he was, Aro. She'd recognised him from the stories told by Carlisle, and the paintings. He was sort of known as the main king. Yes, they were all kings together, but he seemed to have more authority than the other two.

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