ii: Physical Education

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The Physical Education teacher blew into her whistle. All the students of the class crowded around her and waited for further instructions. "Alright class, today is the start of our new sport, any guesses?" A couple of students raised their hands. "Jaehyun?" "Football?" The woman shook her head and asked a couple other students. "Riwoo?" "Dance?" That was a sport he always mentioned, it was one that he really liked. "Yes! Finally!" The boy smiled. "So, first the warm up, then we'll be doing an activity by pair! Space out!"

Riwoo, Jaehyun and Taesan decided to stay in the second row, Riwoo wanted to be in the first, Jaehyun third, so they compromised. Taesan didn't care where they were as long as he was far away from Leehan.

After the warm up, the high school students listened to the next instructions. What they would be doing today is dancing in pairs.

Jaehyun and Riwoo decided to be together, which was something Taesan was used to, the two were always together, if you see Jaehyun, then you know Riwoo is nearby. So, Taesan had to find someone else most of the time, he'd end up with someone random.

Leehan's closest friend, Sungho, wasn't here. The boy looked around, he saw a bunch of girls looking at him, they obviously wanted to be with him. I don't blame them.

But he decided to walk over to a specific guy. He sat down next to the boy, a few girls were disappointed by his choice. "Don't you want to be with anyone else?" Taesan managed to get out without fumbling. The younger boy shook his head and guided the other to one side of the room.

The teacher walked around the room and gave each duo a theme. She then explained that they would have to be creating a dance with the theme. "Ok, so we have to do something with the theme of space." "Giant mountain" Taesan blurted out, he quickly covered his mouth. Leehan laughed and then stood up. "Don't worry, I'll forget it that soon" The taller boy nodded and stood up as well. "So, what should we start with?" Taesan put his back against the other's. "What are you doing?"

"Choreographing" Leehan nodded and followed what Taesan was saying, or at least tried to, as he was speaking rather fast and with some errors.

The taller boy was now on the floor. "What now?" Leehan took Taesan's hands, which made the older boy turn bright red. "I'll help you up" Taesan stood up and thought for a while. "Maybe afterwards, you can go in that direction, and I go in the other, with a turn?" Taesan nodded and did as he was told. "And then that's the end I think?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, it looks good enough!" Taesan managed to say it without any mistakes.

Since the two had finished, they decided to rehearse their choreography. "It looks good" Taesan nodded and sat down on the floor. "When should we pass?" All of the groups would have to do their dance in front of the entire class. "How about second?" "Sure, I'll ask the teacher"

Leehan left Taesan alone for a few minutes, this was enough time for the old boy to calm down and act like nothing happened. If anyone knew about his feelings or even speculated about them, Taesan's already extremely low social life would get even lower. No one, not even Riwoo or Jaehyun would talk to him. Which is why he tries to act as normal as possible. Or at least, what is expected of him.

His family, mostly his parents, ask him how he doesn't have a girlfriend yet, his father thought that it was because of the asocial behaviour of his son, his mother thought it was because he was focusing on his studies. When such questions were asked either during dinner or family gatherings by other members of the family, Taesan would try to change the subject as fast as possible. Sometimes it worked, other times he would just say that he hasn't found anyone yet. Which was clearly a lie. Although, sometimes he wished he was telling the truth.

Leehan came back with a smile, obviously, the progress of calming his emotions went back to zero. "She said we can be second!" "Great" Leehan sat next to him and checked his watch while waiting for the teacher to blow the whistle. "First, Jaehyun and Riwoo"

The duo did exceptionally well, it wasn't surprising though, Riwoo went to a dance school and Jaehyun taught himself, and he got help from Riwoo.


"Finally class is done!" Taesan nodded and stopped at the bus stop. "Don't you want to come over?" "I can?" "Of course!" Riwoo smiled, so Taesan followed him and Jaehyun. Riwoo lived close to school, so he always walked to school, no matter the weather. So, during winter and autumn, when there was rain, Jaehyun would usually give his hoodie as the older boy arrived at school. It was something Taesan always found cute.

"So, Taesan, rumour has it..." Riwoo paused dramatically, Taesan took a deep breath, maybe this was the moment that they would find out. "You looked stressed, anyway, rumour has it, you have a girlfriend" Taesan breathed a sigh of relief. "No, I don't" "When are you getting one?" "When are you getting one?" Riwoo quickly shut up and walked behind Jaehyun. "Hyung, before you start asking me things, make sure that you can actually have a valid answer" "I will, definitely"

The three walked in a comfortable silence. "So, do you like anyone?" "No" "Oh, well... Riwoo and I started dating, just so that when anyone asks if we're dating then we can say yes, but not say who it is?" "So you don't actually like each other? So, you're basically fake dating?" Riwoo and Jaehyun nodded. "It was his idea" Riwoo pointed to the extrovert. "oh! What you and Leehan did looked cool" "What you two did was like- actually really good" Riwoo stopped in front of a house. He opened the door and removed his shoes. He was greeted by his dog.

"But like, if you're game dating, then, does that mean that you're going to act like a couple? That means you're supposedly gay?" "Well... Yeah?" Taesan nodded and bit his cheek.


I don't really like this part but hopefully you did!

Also, stan TWS

-Jude out!

Title edited on: 24.02.24

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