ix: Triangle

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After school, Taesan rushed home. Too much had happened for him today. He just had to lay on his bed and drown in music. He would always forget about the world around him when listening to music.

Taesan opened the door to his room after arriving home. He locked the door and placed the disk of one of his favourite bands on the vinyl player. He laid on his bed while reenacting the whole day in his head.

For some reason, he found himself smiling at the thought of Woonhak liking him. "He likes me? He bullied me... Because he liked me? That's strange, innit? Strange how internalised homophobia can change a person"

He then thought of Leehan, when he hugged him. Taesan turned bright red. "He was so close to me... He must've seen all my imperfections..." The boy grabbed his pillow and buried his head in his pillow. He remembered Leehan's smile after asking him to the roof. "Why... Did... He smile?"

That would be a question he would ask himself for the next hour. Not finding any answer, he decided to think about what Woonhak had said.

"Wait- he said he still likes me a bit? What!" He blushed at that as well.


"I was about to ask him!" Leehan exclaimed while slowly walking to Sungho's house. "So what happened? You got nervous?" "No. No I did not. Kim Woonhak and Myung Jaehyun came up" "Wait, so, you like him?" Leehan stared at his friend for a couple of seconds in silence. Blinking multiple times to make sure he had actually heard that correctly.

"You're kidding right?" Sungho was quite confused by this. "Obviously I like him, Jesus Christ, are you stupid on purpose?" Leehan stopped in front of the older boy's house. He opened the door, the two went inside.

"Ah, so you think... You think that maybe Woonhak will try to ''take'' him away?" Leehan nodded and removed his shoes.

"Valentine's Day is in two days" "I know" "You're still going to-" "Yes, yes I am hyung." Sungho lied down on his bed. He thought of something new to discuss.


"Riwoo hyung!" Taesan, who generally had next to no energy while calling Riwoo. "Yo, yo, yo, calm down, I've never heard you like this, anyway, what's wrong?" "TOO MUCH" The younger boy yelled in the microphone of his cellphone. That made Riwoo pull his phone away from his ear. "My poor ears" "Sorry hyung" Taesan replied without much emotion.

"I can really feel the sincerity in your voice, can you go to the park near my house?" "Yeah, sure, wait 19 minutes" The two boys disconnected from the call. Riwoo, unlike Taesan, could take his time to meet his friend.


"Ok, so hyung..." Taesan pointed a bench for Riwoo to sit. The older boy listened, he brought up his legs to his chest. He looked at Taesan who was walking around the old wooden bench.

The dancer had enough, so he pulled Taesan by his shirt. "Enough, just tell me" The taller boy sat next to Riwoo. "Ok, ok, well, so you see... Um, I- I'm not sure, but I was thinking about it on my own, and I think I like Woonhak as well" Seeing Riwoo's confused face reminded Taesan that he hadn't explained what had happened earlier during the day.

"Jesus Christ, why are you so complicated?" Taesan looked down and shrugged. "Well, honestly, based on Leehan's behaviour and Woonhak just outright telling you, I think they both like you" Taesan groaned and buried his head on Riwoo's shoulder. At first, the shorter boy was confused, before getting an explanation he had made up a theory in his head.

"What's wrong?" The boy decided to finally ask. "I don't want to be in a love triangle" Taesan cried, although it was slightly muffled due to the placement of his head. Riwoo patted Taesan's back very awkwardly. "I understand" He tried to comfort his friend.

"Uh, well, you could talk about it to Jaehyun as well, maybe he'll have a better answer than me? I really don't know what to do" Riwoo thought of something, he wasn't sure if it was the right thing, but it was the only thing that could possibly work.

Taesan didn't say anything, his face was still hidden. He did move his head up and down a bit meaning that he agreed with him. "You'll do that?" Again, Taesan nodded, this time, Riwoo felt it, since the weight on his shoulder shifted.

"He's free tomorrow, you can talk to him about it, I can tell that it's something you need to talk about, and it's rare for you to talk about your emotions" Taesan was unusually silent. Of course, Taesan wasn't the loudest person ever, but he would still talk.

"This is something that's really on your mind, isn't it? You're not always like this" Again, Taesan was quiet. He wanted to say something, but he wasn't able. "You don't have to talk, just you being here is nice"

Riwoo himself also wanted to talk about his heart troubles. He first asked if he could say it first. Taesan finally spoke a very short word. He just said a three letter word. The word "yes".

So Riwoo just started talking. Despite being an introvert, when he was around his friends, he'd become a complete extrovert.

It was something that Taesan liked about him.

On the other hand, Taesan was a complete introvert, no matter who he was with.


Writing Taesan's actions is so easy since we have the same mbti. Also, I don't know if I ever said my bias in boynextdoor, but it's Riwoo (one of my two ult biases) and Woonhak!
Also! Mc Gaon!!!!
And tysmmmm for 239 reads!

-Jude out!

Title edited on: 24.02.24

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