xi: What the fuck did I just witness

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"What the fuck did I just witness" Taesan's sister asked while covering her younger brother's eyes with her hand. Quickly, Leehan pushed his crush off.

"I come home from school, and not only do I see my brother making out, but also with a guy!" The girl exclaimed, throwing her arms down the side of her body.

"Did you not hear her enter the house? Or me open the curtains?" His brother was sick from school, he had heard the whole thing, probably.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend oppa?" She pulled down on Taesan's sleeve. "He's not my boyfriend" "yet" Leehan slightly whispered while fixing his hair. "Oh?"

The girl covered her and her brother's eyes. "I'll let you do what you want, I do not want to see you make out again, that was traumatic!" The girl quickly pulled the curtain.

"So, who's gonna be your boyfriend? Woonhak or me?" "Are you seriously asking that question?" Leehan nodded, uncertain if he was asking seriously. "You of course!" Taesan laughed while still looking at Leehan.

"Ok, well... I should be going now, bye!" Leehan awkwardly stood up while leaving the house.

Taesan then entered his siblings room. "I need you guys to promise not to tell anyone" His brother didn't have any problems with accepting that, however, his sister? Yeah, that was harder.

"What do you want?" The girl smirked before looking at her brother in the eyes. "Your Nirvana Live at the Paramount LP" Taesan sighed, trying to find reasons as to why not give it. "Not that one! It's my favourite, and Jaehyun and Riwoo got it for my birthday, and you won't even be able to play it!'' The arguments Taesan had brought up were pretty valid.

"I know, I just want to annoy you, I'll return it in a week- if it's not broken" The girl added the last part after a short pause. It was to taunt Taesan, and it worked.

"Then you've got a deal, let me get it for you" The oldest boy calmly replied. He went up to his room and quickly went back down. ,

"Happy?" "Thank you oppa! Mom and Dad are working the night shift, so they won't be home for dinner, right now they're shopping" Taesan nodded and went to his room.

"Holy shit, he's my boyfriend!" The realisation finally hit him.


(Time skip)

Taesan was talking to Jaehyun and Riwoo as usual. The two had suspected that something happened between Taesan and Leehan but never really had the opportunity to ask.

Their theory was about to be confirmed as Leehan approached Taesan.

The younger boy wrapped his arms around the taller boy's torso. Taesan went bright red as Leehan rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

The other couple was ever so slightly surprised. But not that much since they had thought of it for a while now.

"Hyung! You walked away without even waiting for me!" The younger boy quickly pecked his boyfriend's cheek. That made Taesan blush even more. "What about you acting like this in public?" Leehan shrugged and stood beside Taesan "And what did I just see?" Jaehyun covered his mouth, the three other gays had heard him gasp, it made the shortest of the four laugh.

"Excuse me? I manage to not say anything when I see you all over Riwoo" "What do you mean?" Taesan looked at Jaehyun who was holding Riwoo's hand. A couple of seconds later, Riwoo was pulled closer to his boyfriend, who hugged him. "Need I say more?" "Ok, ok, fine, well, I don't do it on purpose!"

Taesan sighed "Learn self control" "What about him?' "It was nothing"

"Can we go on a date?" "Oh- uh..." Taesan looked at his friends. "We're also going on a date, we can go on a double date if you want?"

Taesan looked at his boyfriend who nodded. "Where are we going?" Leehan finally asked after a couple of seconds of silence. "The park!"


Shorter chapter again, I have a question (if nobody answers then that will be embarrassing), do you prefer shorter or longer chapters? Also, tysmmm for 300 reads! Also, gonna pause for a small while, I'm gonna make a bnd chatroom

-Jude out!


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