iv: Compliments

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Taesan's pov:

Holy shit. I'm actually right now in Kim Leehan's room. Oh my Jesus fucking Christ. He isn't currently in the room, he's getting water and snacks. I feel like I should tell Jaehyun and Riwoo about my crush. Or at least Riwoo, since he's the only person I truly trust. I'm not sure I could look at Jaehyun for a while after what happened earlier. But hey! I'm somehow now at Leehan's house! So that's a good thing! I guess?

The door opened, Leehan was holding a small plate and two glasses of water on a platter. He put it on the desk, just in front of me. He had brought some chocolate chip cookies. Which I am perfectly happy with.

"Thank you" "Of course!" Leehan brushed his hair away, he sat on his bed. Which meant that he was across from me. Jesus fucking Christ, he's even handsomer when he's right in front of me. I am about to die. I can't do this anymore. "You seem uncomfortable, are you alright?" I guess my internal thoughts translated on the outside. "No, no, no, no I'm fine really"


Third Person pov:

Leehan did most of the talking, as expected. Taesan mostly agreed, sometimes adding a bit of commentary.

"You seem fun to be around, I'm sorry for what happened between you and Jaehyun earlier" Because of hanging out with Leehan, Taesan had completely forgotten about what had happened before. "It's fine, he's gonna come back, apologising and he's gonna be really really clingy" Leehan was curious about the last part of the answer he had given. "Can you show me" The older boy slowly nodded as a blush covered his face.

The introvert stood up and wrapped his arms around the younger boy's wait. He was now crimson red. He hoped that Leehan wouldn't look at him any time soon. "And he'll go-" The boy faked a small cry, imitating Jaehyun. "Ahh, Taesan, I miss you, please talk to me now! I can't take this anymore"

Leehan laughed, Taesan actually was very good at imitating Jaehyun, this surprised Leehan. "You're good, you've won in life honestly, you've got the talent and the looks" Again, Taesan blushed, at this point, his face was redder than red. His face was a completely new shade of red. The taller boy then broke away from the hug. "You're actually a pretty good hugger!" "Stop! You're gonna make me blush"

This was the furthest thing from the truth. He was already a blushing mess, which made him turn the chair towards the door. "Why are you turning away? I wanna see your pretty face" Taesan brought his legs up to his chest. He buried his head in between his knees. "I swear to god" He muttered so that he was the only one hearing it.

The desk chair was pushed closer to the bed by Leehan. He turned the chair so that the two boys were looking at each other.

"Have you never been complimented?" Taesan didn't answer, or maybe he did, but too quietly. "Never this heavily" Was his muffled reply. "Oh, maybe I have been a bit too much" "I don't mind" Leehan moved his head around trying to get a look at the older boy's face.

Leehan pouted after being unsuccessful in seeing Taesan's face. If Taesan had seen him at this point he would've just exploded.

After a couple of minutes, Leehan was about to stand up to see his fish tank. But, he was held back by Taesan who was holding onto his shirt. This left Leehan confused. "So you still want me?" He sat on the bed, at the same place.

The taller boy nodded and finally managed to look at Leehan. "There, finally!" The boy smiled, Taesan smiled back. "You look very cute when you smile" Taesan covered his face with his hand, but he didn't dare hide again.

"I-I s-s-should be g-g-going h-home" Taesan stood up, Leehan did the same and guided him to the door.

"Thank you for coming over, I'd definitely like to talk to you again!" "I had fun as well" Taesan stumbled out the door while walking backwards.


"Oh my god" Taesan put his hand through his hair. "No way that actually happened!" The boy walked rather slowly while muttering to himself. The street was basically empty, so no one thought he was insane.

He checked the bus timings and saw that the next bus was in ten minutes. So he sat down and waited. The young boy put his hand on his face, as if he was checking his temperature. "I blushed too hard right then, didn't I? It must've been so obvious that I like him"

He took out his phone and connected his wired earphones. While listening to music, he continued thinking about what had happened. He acted pretty stupid, and actually didn't think at all. He was mostly just acting as his body wanted.

The bus arrived two minutes later than expected. He entered the vehicle and searched for a seat, luckily for him, the bus was rather empty. He sat at one of the double seats one row before the very back.

He now only had to wait for 6 stations which isn't the farthest, especially at his school. Jaehyun doesn't take the same line but he has 14 stations as he lives on the outskirts of the town, or was it the town next door. Taesan always forgot, he didn't care anyway.

While the bus was going towards his final destination, he pressed the stop button and stood up. There were three other people on the bus not including Taesan. One lady stood up and also held onto the bar.

The bus stopped and Taesan quickly walked home- maybe even ran home, music still blasting in his earphones. He opened the door quickly and rushed to his room.

He didn't even greet his parents in the living room.

He jumped onto his bed and buried his face in his pillow. "No way I actually hugged Leehan, oh god, I'm going to die!"


I love this chapter so much, it's so cute! Also, tysm for 30 reads!

-Jude out!

Title edited on: 24.02.24

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