vi: Confessions

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Taesan sat down, on the bed, his legs crossed. "So, what is it?" Taesan took the deepest breath. He first looked down and then decided to say. "I like Leehan" He closed his eyes, not wanting to see Riwoo's reaction. He didn't cover his ears though, so he heard everything.

"Soooo, you're gay?" The younger boy slowly nodded while still looking down. "Have you ever had a crush on anyone else?" "Someone at my old school, and although it was very short lived, I liked Jaehyun at some point." After the second name, Riwoo's jaw dropped.

Riwoo was thinking of a new subject of conversations. But he also had something on his chest. "I like Jaehyun" "Well, no shit, you two are best friends" Riwoo sighed, he had not been clear enough for him. "No. You don't understand it do you? I like him." "Oh... OH" Taesan stood up in shock. He fell while walking backwards. "Are you that surprised?" Riwoo laughed and helped the taller boy up.

"What do you think Sherlock? Of course I am!" Taesan sat back down. "Well, he is your boyfriend" "Fake boyfriend" Riwoo sadly corrected. "Oh, right, well, if he initiated it, then there must be a reason?" Riwoo hesitated, he tilted his head first from the left then to the right. "I don't think so, he was probably just trying to not be single, especially since Valentine's Day is soon"

Taesan, for the second time that day, stood up. This time, Riwoo was fast enough to react in case he fell. Taesan, without explanation, quickly grabbed his bag. "Are you alright?" The boy showed a rectangular black pouch. It took a while for Riwoo to know what it was. The taller boy was searching in the wallet. "What are you watching?" Taesan went to the desk and took out every single coin.

The younger boy grabbed the dancer towards him. "Help me count" "What. Are. You. Doing?" The younger boy rolled his eyes and stood up to let Riwoo on it. "I'm gonna buy something for Leehan" "Before you've even asked him?" "Yes. Before I've asked him!"

So, the two boys started counting the money. "Oh, well, that isn't much" "Who cares? Hmm... Tomorrow, you and I, go to the mall, we go buy something"  Riwoo, based on the ton of Taesan's voice, didn't really have a choice. "Mhm, sure, if that's what you want, I'll go to your house tomorrow, at like- 2pm? Since it's closer to your house" Taesan nodded and grabbed his bag.

He was about to leave but he was swiftly stopped by Riwoo holding his shoulder. "Don't get in a fight again" "mhm, I won't, trust me" "I don't" "Bye" "Bye!"

Taesan checked his watch, the time he would arrive at the bus stop would have also been the time he would leave the library. So the bus would be there.


Leehan was on his bed, playing a game on his console. He suddenly got a call from Sungho. "What's up?" "Leehan, so, you know Myung Jaehyun in our class, right? Well, he wants to go valentine shopping, and you should buy something for Taesan, so you can go together, how about tomorrow?" Leehan took a while to understand what he was just told. But once he finally got it he smiled and replied. "Yeah, that's fine!" "Ok, well, see you tomorrow, I'll pick you up with Jaehyun at... Let's say after 1 pm?"

Leehan didn't respond, he just hung up. The boy was surprised at Jaehyun's mention, since he's always with Riwoo. Maybe Riwoo just couldn't go.

He also knows that Sungho doesn't like anyone at the moment. So, it was strange that he was coming along.

Afterwards, he decided to put his console away and planned his outfit for the next day. He chose a simple blue hoodie and jeans, something simple since it was no dramatic event.


Ahh, this chapter is so short, I'm so sorry, but hopefully you liked it! Also, if I don't update tomorrow, happy valentines day!

-Jude out!

Title edited on: 24.02.24

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