x: Boyfriend?

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Taesan, Riwoo and Jaehyun were walking to the math classroom. Jaehyun and Taesan had made up, although Taesan was originally going to talk about how he felt this day. But the two had called last night. "So, you know Taesan, the 'fake dating' thing? Well, we can remove the fake part" Taesan stopped after hearing Jaehyun's words. "You're dating? Actually?" Riwoo nodded with a smile on his face.

That made Taesan smile as well. "That's great! I'm happy for you, so, how did you start dating?" Taesan asked, hoping he would get an answer that could also solve his own problems.

Sadly, this wouldn't be what would happen. "Basically, short story even shorter, he blurted it out" Jaehyun explained rapidly while looking at his boyfriend.

"Cute" Was the only thing Taesan thought of. The friend group went to their seats, Riwoo and Jaehyun just in front of Taesan.


"Leehan, Sungho that's enough talking, let's since you have glasses you'll stay at your seat Sungho, Leehan you can go to the back, next to Taesan"

At first, the thought of moving seats made Leehan angry but after realising who he would be next to, he embraced the change with open arms.

"Hey Leehan?" The older boy whispered.

Leehan nodded as a sign that he was listening. With that, Taesan continued his sentence.

"Would you like to come over after school?" Leehan pondered for a while before nodding, meaning that he would be coming over. "I'll just tell my mom after school" "Of course"

Taesan was probably the happiest man on earth that very second.


Taesan opened the door to his house. "Welcome to my 'palace', bet you've never been in such a huge place" He said with obvious sarcasm.

Compared to Leehan's house, his was rather small. There were only 3 rooms, his parents obviously shared one. Since he was the oldest of three siblings, he had his own. Though saying that Taesan's siblings had a room was kind of a stretch. A curtain was separating the used metal bunk bed and the living room.

Originally, Taesan was gonna have the living room-bed room but then his parents decided that it would be better for him to have his own room.

The living room was probably the biggest room in the house. Big would be the wrong word here though. It was the least small room to say the least.

The old couch was propped up against the wall, the back hitting the blue curtain. Near the door, the tv was sitting on an old brown carton box. There were two cushions on the couch, they seemed to be the most recent thing bought. They were about 2 years old.

"I like it, I think it's cute" "You know what else is cute?" Taesan asked suddenly, without even thinking. Leehan looked at him, waiting for an answer. "You are" That made the younger boy blush, although it was a predictable answer, coming from Taesan, it felt different.

The taller boy led his friend to his room. The bed was obviously very old, it seemed to be too small for Taesan. One thing that seemed to be in perfect condition was the record player, and his vinyl collection.

"What do you want to do?" "Do you want to watch a movie hyung?'' Taesan who was already sitting on the bed stood up immediately and ran to turn on the tv.

"What do you want to watch?" He went on Netflix and started looking through the different movies. "Spirited away" Leehan asked while seeing all the options.

Taesan went to the search feature, admittedly, he did struggle to write the movie name. "Do you need help?" Leehan took the remote and started writing the name letter by letter.

"It's there" Taesan spotted the title so Leehan went over to it and pressed play.


They were watching the movie when Taesan received a text from Woonhak. "What does it say?" Leehan had noticed the actions.

"He asked me to be his boyfriend..." That last sentence made Leehan enter a coughing fit. "Excuse me? What? You're going to say no anyways, right?" Leehan was suspiciously defensive.

"Why do you care? It's not like you're my boyfriend anyway?" They both secretly wished that the statement was false. "Then let me be yours" That surprised both Taesan and Leehan. The extrovert quickly covered his mouth.

"Jesus, this is too complicated! Do I just say yes to Woonhak?" Leehan looked at him, his eyes looked glossy as if he was about to cry. "He didn't even tell you in person, he was too much of a pussy to ask you face to face." The aggressive nature of Leehan's tone surprised Taesan.

The younger boy grabbed his crush's collar. He pulled the taller boy closer. They were now centimetres away from each other. "Let. Me. Be. Your. One. And. Only." Leehan demanded, pausing after every single word.

"Why are you even fighting for me?" "I have no reason to answer that question when the answer is right in front of me" Leehan inched in closer. If that was even  possible at this point.

Leehan decided to kiss him. He moved his arms from the collar of the shirt to the older boy's neck.

Their lips seemed to move in sync. At one point, Taesan lost his balance and landed  over Leehan. His hands on either side of his crush's head. Despite the change in position, the two had barely stopped their kiss.

Not even the sound of the door or curtain opening stopped them. Until seven words were uttered.

"What the fuck did I just witness"


Ahhh! I love this chapter sm! I'm sorry if the kiss wasn't written well enough, I'm not good at writing those, but hopefully you still liked it! Also, I edited the titles of the chapter, instead of just the Roman numerals, they have a name! Hopefully you like that as well!

-Jude out!


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