iii: argument

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Taesan arrived at school and searched for his friends. He walked over to Jaehyun who he noticed on the bench. He seemed rather down, but Taesan didn't really know what to say to him. So he just sat next to him. "Riwoo's sick, so he isn't coming" Taesan knew that Jaehyun and Riwoo liked each other more than him, it made sense since they had known each other since kindergarten. Taesan decided that it would just be easier to not get too close with anyone, besides, once he's older, he'll probably won't even know them. He sometimes wished that he hadn't caught feelings for Leehan. Especially since he's a rather popular person at school

The two boys went inside the building and entered the english classroom. "Hey, Taesan, I'll ask the teacher if I can go next to you, I'll say I can't see or some kind of bullshit" The younger boy nodded and sat at his seat.

The teacher entered a couple of minutes after the bell rang, Jaehyun quickly went up to the teacher. "Sir, can I please sit over there, to see the board better?" Mr. Yang nodded and the boy excitedly went over to his friend. "Try not to talk too much, otherwise you'll have another detention" The shorter boy nodded and took his copybook. "Do you have a pen?" "You have got to be kidding me" Jaehyun shook his head so Taesan gave him a black pen. "Thanks" The class has filled up now.

The two boys started writing the lesson since they didn't have enough time to write it yesterday.


"He's funny" Leehan replied while sitting next to one of his classmates. "Funny?" "He does cute things, he always acts so flustered" Leehan watched Taesan cover his face while with Jaehyun. "See" The classmate put his head on the older boy's shoulder. "He's shy" Leehan hummed in agreement.

The two boys felt something on their shoulders, the boy next to him stood up. "Hi hyung!" "Who are you watching?" The boy sat next to them and looked in their direction. "Myung Jaehyun? Oh god, I cannot stand him, I have a history project with him, he keeps calling me and I feel like I'm about to explode, he can't do anything without me!" The two younger boys laughed and continued observing Taesan. "Oh, you're watching Taesan?" Leehan looked up and nodded

"Why are you watching him? Do you have a crush on him?" "I do not! I just find him interesting" "Well talk to him" "I tried to, yesterday, during PE, he barely even talked to me, and when he did, he was incomprehensible! He talked way too fast" "He's very nervous when talking to new people" Sungho remembered with the limited interactions he's gotten.


Taesan's pov:

"Hey Taesan! We should go to the park!" I nodded and followed Jaehyun to cross the road. And you know who was right behind us? Of course it was Leehan. I sure hope he's not going to the park as well. Otherwise, I will just- too many emotions for me. I won't be able to handle it anymore. Physical Education yesterday was already horrible enough, I don't need a second part of that.

I always wished I was like Jaehyun, he's never shy, or I've never seen him shy, he gets along with anyone, whenever he liked someone, he wouldn't wait. He'd tell them right away. On the other hand... Well, I'm unable to do anything with Leehan. I can't even talk to him without stumbling over my words. I can't even think normally when he's around.

"You're ignoring me! Oh my god! How dare you! Riwoo wouldn't ignore me" Sigh. Always Riwoo, what about Taesan? "Well if you love Riwoo so much, then go fuck him!" I finally had enough of him saying that Riwoo was better. Like, I get it. Riwoo is loveable, but come on, I'm friends with him. And I'm actually here, Riwoo isn't. The thing with Riwoo is that he understands that I don't always want to hear about Jaehyun. "Jesus, I didn't know you could get that mad" "Well now you do, you know what! Just go to Riwoo's house, you clearly like him more than me, I'm just back up, he doesn't live far away!" I pushed him away, he tried to catch up, but due to my long legs I was already far in front. "If you don't want me, I'll just go!" He called out, I took out my wired earphones. "I'll go somewhere where I'm actually wanted!"

I rolled my eyes and stopped at the bench. I hadn't even realised that I arrived at the park.

But guess who just had to be there as well?

Well, obviously, the one and only Kim Leehan.

Can't I have one second to myself? I am actually going to die if he's always near me. "Can I sit next to you?" Even without looking at him, his voice made me blush. Oh god, how I wish I didn't have a crush on him. But I can't control that at all.

"Of course" I answered calmly after taking a deep breath. "I heard parts of your... Well does it count as a fight? Whatever, I heard parts of your fight what happened?" "Well, Jaehyun keeps bringing Riwoo up even when he's not around" Leehan nodded, I decided to look at him for a few seconds.

Bad idea.

I turned bright red, even redder than before, if that was possible. I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying since I was trying to stay calm.

"You're not very chatty are you?" I shook my head, even when I'm friends with someone, people have always told me that I'm quiet.

"I don't mind it honestly, it's cool, you listen, that's nice" I let out a small smile, which he noticed. "You have a nice smile" "Ah uh oh um ah- thank you" Not only do I not do well with compliments, but one coming from Leehan? Lethal.

"You don't know how to respond to compliments?" I shook my head, he has the looks and the brain. He's the closest thing to perfect. "That's fine, can I still compliment you? Cause there's so many things to say about you" "I-I don't mind" "Great, well, do you want to come over to my house? Like, right now?" I must've looked surprised, based on his reaction.

"If you don't, then that's fine, we can just stay here!" I did want to hang out with him. But I was a bit nervous. "Sure" "oh! Cool!" He smiled, oh god, that smile just makes me melt.


Happy weekend, I had to go to the mall to shop for my brother's valentine.

-Jude out!

Title edited on: 24.02.24

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