v: New Kid

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Today was friday, so yes, there has been a time skip (Tuesday->Friday). Riwoo had finally come back. Jaehyun wasn't here, he had been absent since Wednesday. So, he had to stay alone for two days- well, he was at some point approached by Leehan and his friends.

"Hi Taesan!" "Hi Riwoo hyung" The two boys went into the classroom. "You weren't too lonely? Right?" Taesan shook his head, a little lie wouldn't hurt. "I've heard we are getting a new student" "Really?" Riwoo nodded, he had gotten this information from Jaehyun.

"I hope he'll be nice" "Me too" The bell rang, many students entered the math class. Including the new student, he went to the front of the class.

After getting a good look at the new boy, Taesan quickly hid his face. "Are you alright?" Riwoo asked him, in math class, Jaehyun, Taesan and Riwoo were next to each other, in the very back, in that exact order.

After introducing himself, the teacher told him to sit next to Jaehyun, who was obviously not here.

(A/n: So, I did edit the other parts since I realised something, one of the character's parts has been cut out, so, pretend that he wasn't in the previous parts, so if you read this story before, then there's something different with the parts, sorry)

Taesan tried hiding his face with his hand. His breath quickened, Riwoo obviously noticed. "Are you having a panic attack?" "No, I'm not, why would I be" "Well, you kind of just seem very stressed."

As class started he tried forgetting about the new student. Although it's kind of hard when someone's looking at you for an hour straight.


After the first two classes it was break time. Taesan and Riwoo sat down. The younger boy noticed that Leehan was talking to Sungho, obviously, and the new kid. The taller boy suddenly stood up, leaving the dancer alone.

He went up to the boy. "Oh! Taesan it's been a while!" "Oh... Hi, um..." Taesan was frozen, he had confidence far away, but now that he was not only near Leehan but also next to the "new" kid. "You remember me? Right?"

"Yes, I do, Kim Woonhak" Taesan tried to say as calmly as possible.

"Good to see that, can I come and meet your friends?" The older boy slowly nodded, if it meant that he was as far as possible from Leehan.

"Hi Taesan, isn't it lovely how you abandoned me?" "Woonhak, this is Riwoo, hyung, this is Woonhak" Taesan introduced the two boys. The two mentioned exchanged a smile. "How do you know each other?" "We went to the same school until last year! Then you moved, it's sad" Taesan rolled his eyes, Riwoo didn't know why, Woonhak seemed really friendly. Maybe something had got in his eyes, that's what Riwoo had come up with.


Taesan had decided to stay in the library after school. Normally, he was alone, but a sound got his attention. The door opened brutally.

Woonhak sat across from him. "You still haven't made out with any guy, I'm surprised, you managed to control yourself" "If you're just here to say stuff like this then I'm not interested, firstly, I didn't make out with him, I just kissed him, secondly, he was the one that introduced the idea" Woonhak stood up and walked behind Taesan's chair.

"Right, I see the way you stare at Leehan, he's your new victim?" Taesan had just stayed at the library for two minutes before Woonhak had came in, that was gonna be the shortest time. He stood up and took his bag. Woonhak followed him out.

"You think he'd actually want you?" "It's just a crush, he's not a victim" The two boys left the building. "Aw, Taesan's mad" "Aw, Woonhak's about to end up with a broken nose" Taesan threatened, clearly, that meant absolutely nothing to Woonhak, as he continued provoking. "why'd you even want to make my life miserable" "Why'd you like Leehan" "So, you were allowed to like Im Jia just because she's a girl, but the second I break the norm than I'm weird?" "Yes. Yes you are! You clearly pretend that you didn't assault-" Woonhak couldn't finish his sentence, he was pushed to the brick floor in front of the school. "hey hey hey! When did I start?" "You could've just left me alone in the library!"

Taesan pushed the younger boy's shoulder with his leg. "You keep spreading rumours about me, but what about you? Should I just say that you changed schools because you bullied someone?" "But I didn't!" "Exactly, I didn't either!" Taesan decided to kick the taller boy's knee. He would've continued if he wasn't pulled away by Riwoo. "Jesus fucking Christ Taesan, what's wrong with you? Why did you just fight with Woonhak?" Riwoo, despite the rather stressful situation, stayed very calm.

"He started it" "Ok, so I don't know the full story but whoever started it, you shouldn't have done it, especially as the older person here, I don't want to force you to tell me your past grudges" Taesan nodded, he was about to get on the bus but Riwoo pushed him out. "You're not going home on your own" So, Taesan followed Riwoo to the older boy's house.

"I just want you to calm down before you go on the bus before" Taesan nodded, Riwoo did have the right idea, he wasn't in the mood to talk. But he then remembered one detail of what happened earlier. "Leehan saw me" He mumbled, Riwoo heard the last two words, but he didn't hear the name. "Who?" Taesan was quiet again. "Never mind that, I can just tell you that the person probably won't care"

Taesan finally got the courage. "Riwoo hyung, um, I'll be telling you one thing once we're at your house" "Ok!" The two boys walked in an awkward silence.

"I forgot that you moved schools last year" "Well, technically two years ago, but I arrived at the school in late May, so I only had a month or so of school" Riwoo nodded and stopped in front of his house. He opened the door and let Taesan in. "Will you tell me n-" He stopped his sentence as he greeted his dog. "Where was I... Oh right! Will you tell me now?" "In your room" "Oh fine!"


Drama???? Ig, anyway, I adore this chapter!

-Jude out!

Title edited on: 24.02.24

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