viii: The Truth

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Taesan looked at himself multiple minutes in the mirror. He continued fixing his hair and pouted when it didn't go how he wished it looked. "Taesan, if you don't hurry up, you'll be late for school!" His mother called out, he quickly pushed his hair to the middle and grabbed his bag.

"Bye" The boy waved and left the house, he didn't hear his mother.

Since the weekend was right after the fight he had with Woonhak, he didn't know what would happen.


"Hi Taesan!" "Hello Riwoo" The taller boy greeted while entering the classroom. Riwoo tried to converse with his friend, but clearly that wouldn't work, he definitely wasn't in the mood.

"Oh! Jaehyun is back!" "Oh, ok" He answered without any emotion, this didn't hurt Riwoo in the slightest as it was something he was used to happening.

Especially when something like the fight had happened.

The short boy thought of a subject of conversation but found nothing that Taesan would actually respond to.

Just as he finally found one, a few students from their class entered the room, including Jaehyun.

He sat behind the two since that was his place in History class. Leehan also was one of the students.

"Hi" The older boy didn't say anything, he just smiled and looked in Riwoo's direction right afterwards.

Leehan leaned over, on Taesan's shoulder "Are you ignoring me again?" He whispered so that Taesan was the only one who heard. That sent butterflies in his stomach. Riwoo was looking and talking to Jaehyun so he didn't notice the blushing mess next to him.

Luckily for Taesan, no one, not even Leehan knew how red he was. "Why do you hate me so much?" The shorter boy turned his head, he could just see Taesan's side profile. Yet, somehow, from every angle, he looked perfect in his eyes.

"Wow, no matter how you are, you always look handsome" Taesan covered his face with his hand. "Hyung, how about... You meet me on the roof later during break, I want to just get to know you" Leehan moved and turned his head which made Taesan finally able to look at him. The younger boy had a huge smile on his face.


The first two hours felt like decades for Taesan. The thought of being alone with Leehan again made him nervous. He kept checking the clock on the wall, it felt like time was turning back.

Finally, the bell rang, Taesan was maybe too enthusiastic to leave. He usually packed up his stuff with rarely any energy. Except this time, he pushed his books in his bag. He was one of the first students to leave the classroom.

"I've never seen you like this hyung! Are you that happy to see me?" Leehan called out from behind. He ran up to the other boy. "Shush" Taesan opened the door and went up the stairs. "Why'd you want to see me anyway?" "Cause I want to see your pretty face" Taesan stopped and turned around. He scanned his crush's face to understand if he was actually being serious or just joking.

"Why do you keep calling me pretty face?" "Cause it's the truth" The tall boy sat down, next to the brick wall. Leehan sat next to him, he wrapped his arms around Taesan's torso. The physical touch did make him jump before a pink tint covered his face. "Sooo, what's your type?" Taesan scrunched his nose at the random question.

He had never really thought of it, so, it did take a while to find the exact description.

"Someone who isn't too tall but neither too short, someone who would want to listen to my kind of music, someone who I can say whatever I want without worrying... Uh, what else? Oh right, someone who cares about me" Leehan nodded, he tried to ignore the use of the gender neutral word. "There must be at least one girl like that at school"

"Why do you assume it's a girl?" Leehan tried to hide his surprise, but his gasp was not the best for such a goal. "Y-you're-" "Gay, yes, that's why I transferred schools" Taesan sighed, he looked down. "Well that's a relief"

Those words made Taesan very confused. "Why?" He didn't get an answer for a couple of seconds. "Oh, uh, cause, well- you, I- um... Well, cause, you know-" Leehan stammered trying to think of something. The boy had finally found an answer but was cut due to the door to access the roof opened.

"So you're telling me that there are two?" The guy who was behind the door sighed. "You as well? Jesus Christ!" Woonhak walked over to the two. The youngest boy pushed the tow away from each other. But he wasn't alone, someone behind them looked at the two, first Taesan, then Leehan.

"Why are you with him" Taesan asked Jaehyun as he closed the door behind him. "I- well, I asked him where you were, to apologise, that's it" Taesan nodded, without even hearing the apology he accepted it.

Woonhak shook his head, he was at a loss for words. "Why is everyone at this school gay! You and you!" He pointed to the two boys. "Why do you have to follow me everywhere! Besides, what makes you think that he's gay? And what's so wrong with that?" Taesan stood up, Jaehyun sat next to Leehan, trying to distract himself by talking to the boy.

The answer Woonhak gave was definitely unexpected. Especially after his actions. "I- I'm jealous" Woonhak broke the eye contact the two were holding. "Of what? Of who? Why?" "Of you, because... Because well, I got jealous of you, and I got mad at myself" This left Taesan even more confused than before.

"Internalised homophobia?" "Huh? Why are you saying that?" Taesan asked Jaehyun who had suddenly entered the conversation. "No, no, he's right, at least I think, I got jealous of you because, well, no, I was jealous of the guy you kissed, cause I liked you, and I only realised that recently, and I got mad at myself, because I let my feelings before everything, it made me hate that part of me" "Oh, oh, wow, Jaehyun you're a genius" Leehan exclaimed while high fiving the boy mentioned.

"Wait, wait, you liked me?" "Don't worry, I don't, really, I don't, well still a bit, but nevermind that, you- you can be happy with whoever you want, as long as they treat you well" Taesan had enough of all of this, it was too much for him. He stood up and quickly left the rooftop to join Riwoo.


I didn't update for a while (at least for my standards cause I sometimes even update multiple times a day lmao)

-Jude out!

Title edited on: 24.02.24

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