The Real Me

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After some long and boring periods the bell rang, ending this school day, and we were finally released. I walked down the hall, went to my locker and took the things I needed to put them in my bag. After that I left the building to wait for my friends. My phone buzzed, I had received a message from my mother.
"Ash", my brother, "came home early from school, I can't go out, would you bring home some cough syrup and something against fever, please?"
I cared for my brother. He was only 7 years old and even though he could be annoying sometimes, but I still felt the responsibility to look after him.
Dan was already there, leaning against the wall near the parking lot so I took my place beside him, now waiting for the others.
"So what are we gonna do next?"
"I gotta run some errands, but after that I'll join whatever y'all are up for.", I replied. "Okay."
In that moment the others arrived also.
"What took y'all so long?"
"That new teacher, Mrs. Johnson, wanted to talk to me. The usual.", Juan explained. Dan and me groaned in unison.
"Yeah, and I waited for him.", Jake added.
"Okay, so what are the plans for today? Chris has got to go home first, but he'll join us later."
"Sounds great. How about we eat something at ' Barney's ' and go to my place afterwards. Play some video games, I also got some pot from last week, if ya want?", Matt, who was the last to have arrived, suggested.
We all agreed.
"I gotta go now, meet you at 'Barney's' later."
"See ya'"
I walked over to my motorcycle and drove off.
Whenever I was on my motorcycle I felt free, I loved the wind, blowing in my face, I loved the speed, like nothing else matters, all problems gone, just me against the world.
I stopped at the pharmacy in town to get the things for my brother and then drove back home. About 15 Minutes later I parked my motorcycle in front of our door.
"Hey Mom, I'm home and I brought that medicine for Ash!" Seconds later my Mother greeted me.
"Thanks Sweetheart. I'm sorry if I interrupted your plans, but Ash didn't want me to leave him alone."
"It's fine. I'll just go and see how he is and then I'll go over to Matt's if that's alright." "Sure! I can take care of him alone! Go and have fun!"
"Thanks Mom, you're the best!"
I went upstairs, softly knocked at Ash's door and opened it.
"Hey bud, I heard you're sick? I bought you some medicine, Mom's gonna give it to you and then you'll be fine soon!", I reassured him.
He nodded and forced a smile out. I placed my hand on his forehead. He was glowing. I hoped the medicine helped quickly.
"Rest some more. I'll be back later."
He closed his eyes and I made my way outside, but not without saying goodbye to my Mom.
20 Minutes later I arrived at Barney's, where I ordered a Burger and some Fries. Dan, Matt, Juan and Jake were still sitting at the table.
"Hey! There you are!", I was greeted and sat down on the last free chair.
"Yeah, sorry it took me a bit longer. I'll eat up and then we can go!"
While I was eating, Juan asked us if we should go to Bethany's party tomorrow or not.

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