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"You hold onto your friends by keeping your heart a little softer than you head." - Season 1 Ep 7 The Clone Wars

     I had arrived at the temple a week ago

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I had arrived at the temple a week ago. I was still trying to get used to this life again. It all felt almost foreign to me now. They had yet to decide if I was going to get another master. So I spent my days training as I waited for a decision. I didn't like that I had to come back, but a part of me couldn't help but feel excited to see Anakin again. It had been so long since we had last seen each other. I was no longer the naïve girl I once was. I was sure Anakin had grown up as well.

     Would he even say anything to me? It had been so long that maybe he had gotten over our friendship. I hope not. I had missed him dearly when I was gone. He was the one thing that kept me balanced knowing that once the war was won I could back and see him again. My best friend. I had asked where he was when I had gotten here but was only told that he was on a mission.

     He was the one thing I missed about this place but he was not here right now. That left me alone. That was probably for the better. I was a mess when they first brought me back. It gave me time to think and gather my emotions.

     I zoned back in as I sat in the training area. I had been stretching. I sighed to myself and slowly got off the ground. I started to walk over to the robots that were meant to train with for combat. I look at all six of them. I quickly turned them all on. I grabbed both of my lightsabers that were attached to my hips. I turned them on and watched as the purple glow extended into a sword. I swung them around a little before the droids started firing. They were set to the lowest setting so they wouldn't hurt too bad in case I missed any.

     I swung both of my lightsabers around precisely blocking all the shots that were aimed at my body. The droids started moving forward toward me as I did the same while continuing to block the shots. That had become almost second nature at this point considering I was in a war.

     They tried to circle around me but I was quicker and used the force to jump high into the air to where they couldn't reach me as I flipped over the heads of the droids in front of me. I landed behind them and their backs were still turned towards me. I take the opportunity and use one of my lightsabers to cut the head off of three of them in one swing.

     The others turn to face me and start firing again and I quickly shift and block them. I make my way closer to them making sure to block the shots that are being fired. Once I was close enough I used one of my lightsabers and swung it towards the droid. It slices right through the middle of the droid. The sounds of my lightsabers ring in my ears.

     One of the droids quickly approaches me from behind me. I trust my instincts and swing a lightsaber behind my back to where I feel the shot will be. I was right. The sound of the shot ricocheting off my blade and into the droid that shot it. One more. I took a deep breath and walked towards the droid. I raised my hand using the force to lift it off the ground.

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