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"A plan is only as good as those who see it through."
- Season 1 episode 4 The clone wars

Italic will be dreams or direct thoughts

Italic will be dreams or direct thoughts

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The sound of guns ringing filled my ears. Using both of my lightsabers to block the shots that came directly towards me. I lead a group of the army into the battle. We win today. We ran through the open field trying to engage with the army across from us. Our objective is to make sure their attention was on us.

     We needed to distract them until my Master came from behind the army to sneak attack them. Everything was going as planned. We kept their attention on us and I could see the majority of our army running up behind them. A feeling ran through my body causing goosebumps to appear on my skin. Something was wrong.

     I looked around and saw lines of people that surrounded us. Even the rest of our army running up from behind. They knew our plan. They waited to surround us until we were all here. There are so many. To many. Nonetheless, I continued to fight forward. Many of my troops were now injured if not dead. I see my Master from across the field realizing what is happening.

     I fight through the army. I needed to get to my Master. I fought there when I finally got to him. "What are we gonna do?" I say knowing the odds aren't in our favor. "We fight." He says as he blocks a shot that came his way. He was never one to run from a fight. He would rather fight till the end than run. On that I agreed with him.

     Quickly our numbers dwindled. Once was hundreds was now only maybe 100 and with each second that went by we lost more. 50, 30, 20, 10, and finally just 2. Me and my master blocked the shots coming our way. They held their fire and the shots stopped coming. They moved on closer around us. There were probably 100 men that surrounded us. Me and My master looked at each other for a second realizing we not gonna make it out of this.

     We give each other a quick nod. We fight until the end. "Fire!" We hear someone yell. Hundreds of shots came at us. I moved quickly to block the shot. My arms moved at a speed I didn't know existed. My Master blocks the shots with precision. We couldn't keep this up forever. Eventually, our arms are going to grow tired. My body stiffened.

     I looked over at my Master just in time to see him miss a shot. "No!" I yell knowing he got hit. He dropped his lightsaber and slowly turned to face me. I tried to keep blocking the shots. I failed. One just passed and swiped my arm. It wasn't bad. I could see the blood started to run down my Masters body. The shot landed right in his chest. I made eye contact and once I did he fell to the ground. I no longer felt his force. No. No. No!

     The shots stopped coming. I didn't pay attention to why. I dropped both of my lightsabers and kneeled on the ground next to my Master who now had a lifeless expression. I felt the tears prick my eyes. No, we didn't even make up. "No! No! You don't get to die. Not yet." I yell and grab his shoulder trying to shake him awake. "Piell.." I say still shaking his shoulders as if he would wake up.

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