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"Love comes in all shapes and sizes."
-season 3 episode 9

"-season 3 episode 9

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Master Yoda had called for me as I sat in my room. We had just gotten back from the senators not to long ago. Anakin and Obi-wan went to tell them what happened. If I had to assume, that is why my master wanted to see me.

I walk into the council room. It was only me and Master Yoda in here though. I was grateful, I didn't feel like dealing with everybody else right now. That is why I left Anakin and Obi-wan to debrief them.

"My padawan" Master Yoda greets me as he sits in his chair. "Master" I say in respect. "I have a mission for you, I do" he says and gestures for me to sit down. I walk over and sit down next to him. "Going with Padawan Skywalker, you will be. Protect the senator, you will"

"Does Anakin know this?" I ask slightly hoping I'm not going to be intruding his mission. Especially if it is a solo mission. I'm sure he would be excited about that. "Skywalker knows, he is talking to the chancellor for him to order senator Amidala. Not happy, she is" he informs me and I nod my head in understanding.

"Skywalker, will meet you at Senator Amidala's apartment, he will. Going into hiding, make sure to pack." He says and I nod my head "Yes, Master. I will see that I am there as soon as I pack." I say understanding the mission. I wondered where we are going. I was slightly excited to get off this planet.

"I'm trusting you, my padawan. Obi-wan said you did well last night." He says slightly proud. I couldn't help but smile. At least he trusts me. "I will not fail you" I say and he dismisses and I go to pack for the trip.


I knock on the door and waiting for it to open. I hope Anakin is here by now. I hate to break it to the senator, she is being forced to leave. That seemed a conversation for someone who knew her. I hear ruffling behind the door and soon after I saw Anakin open the door.

He smiled down at me and I returned the smile. He opened the door for me to come in and I walked in seeing the apartment I was in just last night. "Took you long enough" Anakin says teasingly.

"I'm sorry, I was just informed" I say. I rushed down here so it really isn't my fault but I apologized anyway not know how long they've had to wait on me. "It's okay, Padme is still packing" he says with a smile and walks over to the couch and takes a seat. I put my bags on the ground and took my place next to him.

"Did Master Yoda fill you in on everything?" Anakin asked.

"Bits and pieces. I know the senator will be going into hiding and we are protection. That's about it" I say with a shoulder shrug. Seems simple enough.

"Master Yoda, does like to leave out the small details, doesn't he? But yeah that's pretty much it. Keep a low profile" he says as he stares down at me.

"You know, I'm glad you're coming" he says and it makes me smile up at him. It was just going to be us for the however long. No Masters to tell us what to do. Well, Senator Amidala will be there too, but other than that just me and Anakin. "Maybe we can actually have somewhat a nice time. As long as no one tries to hurt the senator, at least." I say hopeful.

I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach thinking about being alone with Anakin. In the temple we were never truly alone. Someone's or something was always listening. We have to sneak into each other rooms to be alone. Although knowing the entire temple was full of people it didn't really feel like we were alone.

I couldn't help but wonder why me and Anakin keep getting paired together. Normally, a Jedi is a solo kind of deal but for some reason they kept me and Anakin together. "I'll have a nice time anywhere, as long as you're with me" Anakin says staring down at me.

"You flatter me, Skywalker" I say with a laugh and he smiles down at me. I look away from his gaze. "Do you ever wonder why they keep pairing us together?" Anakin says which makes me snap my attention towards. Why is he always thinking the same thing as me?

"Maybe they just see how amazing we are together" I say slightly sarcastically and nudge his shoulder with my own. "The council doesn't trust us to be able to handle this with only one of us." He says staring down at me. He did have a point. It only took 1 Jedi to protect someone. It was rare for someone to have two.

"It's the only logical reason" he continues. I just shrug my shoulders. A part of me knew he was right, but the other part wanted to believe that they believe in us. "Obi-wan and Master Yoda, believes in us" I point out hoping to lighten the mood slightly.

He shakes his head and stands up. He walks over to the balcony and I follow after him "Master Obi-wan doesn't trust me" He states and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Don't get me wrong. Obi-wan is a great mentor" Anakin said picking up a piece of decoration that looked like a ball. "As wise as Master Yoda and... as powerful as Master Windu" He says as he makes the ball levitate using the force. This troubles him. I can sense it in him.

"I am truly thankful to be apprentice. In some ways— a lot of ways... I'm really ahead of him" Anakin said I continued to stay silent and let him finish what all he's gonna say. I understand what he's saying, but there's always more you can learn.

"I'm ready for the trails, but he feels that I'm too unpredictable. He won't let me move on."

I sigh "I understand, Ani. It's frustrating"

"It's worse. He's overly critical. He never listens. He- he doesn't understand" Ani said as he raised his voice slightly. I was concerned for him. I understand, where he's frustration is coming from. I'm in the same boat.

"It's not fair!"

"All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults then we would like" I told Ani

He sighed and relaxed a little bit "I know...but I'm supposed to be the chosen one, Athena" he says still slightly upset. I reach over and grab his hand in mine. He turned to look down at me "Ani...if you are the chosen one, it doesn't matter if you're a padawan, or a Master, or anything else. It will come to pass when it's supposed to. Don't stress yourself out over it"

"Don't try and grow up too fast." I say and Anakin stares down at me with the eyes that make my stomach churn. "But, I am grown up. You said it yourself when you came back" He says looking into my eyes. Gods, those eyes will be the death of me. I feel myself getting pulled into his stare.

He needs to stop looking at me like that before we'll both do something we will regret. "Please don't look at me like that" I say. He's been looking at me like that a lot lately and I'm afraid I'm going to end up breaking, one of these times. Even now my body is not allowing me to back away from him. "Why not?"

"Ani- don't do this" I breathed out and finally willed my feet to back up. I only saw a smirk on his face. He knew what he is doing. He's probably reveling in the fact he has an effect on me.

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