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Anything that can go wrong will.
-Season 3 episode 19

     Me and Anakin continued to spar everyday

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Me and Anakin continued to spar everyday. Sometimes Master Yoda would watch but most of the time we were left alone. I wasn't complaining. I'll never complain about alone time with Anakin seeing as it is rare especially, when you are a Jedi.

Anakin swung his lightsaber toward me and I dodged it and backed up slightly. Anakin smirked at me as he kept coming at me but I continued to dodge all his swings. Master Yoda and Obi-wan watched us today. Master Yoda had said we make a good pair together so he continued to have us train and now invited Obi-wan to observe as well.

Master Yoda said that we challenged each other. What he didn't know was that Me and Anakin both are just really competitive. We would count all our wins. Sometimes he won at the end of the day and sometimes I did. It differs from day to day. Just a little friendly competition.

     The more time we spent together the more I couldn't help but feel certain things about him. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't control it anymore. I just could never act on it. Just a secret. One that I will take to my death bed. We continue to spar for what seemed like forever.

     "Alright, Palawan's. I think that enough for the day. I have a meeting I need to attend to" Master Yoda says disrupting the sparring match between me and Ani. Me and Ani backed away from each other. Ani had a smile on his face like he always did. The only time I hadn't seen him smile was after he had a nightmare about his mom.

He was gloomy all day, that day but I made it my mission to cheer him up. He says he's been having them more often. He felt like they were real. With him being a Jedi, that could very well be a possibility. I was worried for him. Unlike me, he had known his mother, she raised him up until he was 9. He loves her, but Obi-wan kept telling him it was just dreams.

I never told him if I believed if they are real or not. In my mind, I didn't want to side with either of them. One meant that I would be believing Obi-wan over Anakin and the other means his mother really was in danger. I kept my opinion to myself on that one. I do think it is a good possibility it is real, but I would hate to tell Anakin that and make him even more worried. He needed to make that decision for himself, and whatever he decides I will happily help him.

"Find me after, you will, my padawan" Master Yoda says to me before Obi-wan gave Anakin a smile "You too, Anakin" he said and walked out of the room


He had just got back and called for me immediately. Oddly enough so did Obi-wan and Anakin. All three of us walked to the Jedi Council. "Do you know what this is about, Master?" I hear Ani asked Obi-wan. I watched as Obi-wan shrugged his shoulders. Apparently we're all going in blind right now.

We stood outside the door and Obi-wan knocked once. After a few seconds we got the okay to come in. Anakin walked next to me and was slightly closer than what he was with Obi-wan. I noticed quickly that he liked to be the closest to me when we're were around people, but I couldn't say anything. I did the same.

We all walked and held our hands behind our backs and came to a stop in the middle of the room. "We have a mission for you, Obi-wan" Master Windu says. "Senator Amidala has had two attempts on her life, the chancellor has requested for you to protect her." Master Windu continues to inform Obi-wan.

I still have no idea why I'm here. "Yes, Master" Obi-wan says as he looks over at Anakin and he bows his head to show respect. "My padawan, you will go with them, you will." Master Yoda says to me which takes me by surprise. Why was I going with them? They surely didn't need me for a simple protection mission. Master Yoda looks over at Obi-wan. "You will listen to Obi-wan, you will" Obi-wan looked slightly confused but nodded his head agreeing.

"Yes, Master" I said with a bow of my head. "Good, you will go as soon as you're ready" Master Yoda says in a way to dismiss us.

I stood in my room throwing clothes into my bag. I had no idea how long where we're gonna be gone so more is better than less in this situation. I was excited to get out of this place again. I hadn't left since me and Anakin had snuck out that night. My body was itching to get out of here.

A knock at the door caught my attention and I walked over and opened the door. There stood Anakin with a bag. If I had to guess it's was his clothes for the mission. "Are you ready? Obi-wan is waiting on us" He says. I could help but smile. I'm glad I'm going with him. My first mission after the war. If I'm being honest, the thought of it scared the hell out of me. What if something happened? What if I lose my cool?

"I'm almost done, I'm just finishing packing" I say and open the door more for him to come in and wait. He smiled and gladly walked in my room and set his bag down on the floor. "Are you excited for your first mission after being back?" He asked. I'm sure he could feel the nervousness seeping through my shield in my mind. I have to let him in at some point.

Keeping him closed off from me was not something I wanted. I wanted to be able to feel his force. To hear him talking to me through my mind again. I always loved that. That's why I did it that one time. I wanted to see if it still worked. It had been so long since I had done it. From here on out I decided I was done hiding my mind from him. As long as we're alone at least.

I sucked in a breath and finally let go off the walls I had built in my mind. I could tell Anakin knew right away. His gaze snapped towards mine. I decided it was best to not say anything and continue to pack like it never happened. Maybe he won't say anything. I didn't have it in me to explain. How could I tell him that it's because I want to feel closer with him?

He looked at me questioningly but didn't say anything and walked over to me. He slowly grabbed my wrist stopping my movements. I turned to look up at him. It felt like his was staring into my soul. My skin tingled are he half my wrist in my hand. He dropped one hand and brought it up to the side of my face and gently ran his thumb over my cheek. "It'll be okay" he said reassuringly.


Okay so another short chapter. I'm sorry but we're officially getting into the clone wars so they will probably be getting longer. This was a filler if I'm being honest.

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