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For everything you gain, you lose something else
- season 2 episode 9

     "What are you thinking?" I ask in the passenger seat in the small ship we had gotten

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"What are you thinking?" I ask in the passenger seat in the small ship we had gotten. Anakin had been unusually quiet this trip and Padme had sat in a small room in the back leaving the ride in silence. I could tell Anakin was thinking. Every once in a while I could hear him sigh next to me as if he had thought of something that he was not pleased with.

Anakin slowly turned to look over at me. His face expression was littered with concern but I could tell he was trying to hold it together. With his silence I only grew more curious to what he was thinking about. He normally expressed his thoughts with me so I couldn't help but be slightly concerned when he hadn't said anything this entire ride to where we were told Anakin's mom should be. "I'm just worried. What if I'm too late? What if I can't save her?" He asks.

I took a second to think of my response. "What if she's fine? What if she truly did marry a man who freed her and lives happily?" I try to counter his questions. Even as I said it, I wasn't sure if I believed them or not but he needs comforting right now. "If you think about every what if in the world, it will drive you mad, Anakin." I point out. If you spend every second of everyday worrying it's bound to take a toll on your life. That I can say from experience.

Anakin looks at me taking in my words. As if he realized I was right he let out a slow sigh in defeat. "We're here" he says as our navigation started to ring at us telling us we have arrived.


     "Stay with the ship R2" Padme says are we begin to walk up to a house in the middle of a desert. I look around the shoulder as R2 rolled away towards the ship. I see a shiny robot in the small distance. All three of us slow down to look at the droid as we passed. "Oh! Um, uh, hello" the droid said moving his arms turning to face us.

"How might I be of service? I am C-"

"3po?" Anakin finished sounding surprised.

     "Oh um...The maker! Oh Master Ani! I knew you would return. I knew it!" He said shrugging his metal shoulders. This is the droid Ani told me about. The one he made when he was little. It was for his mom. The droid turned a little towards Padme who stood next to me. "And Miss Padme. Oh, my."

     Padme smiled at the droid "Hello, 3po" and it turned its attention to me. "Oh, who might you be?" 3po asked me upbeat. It caused me to give a nice smile at his attitude. "Athena Moon" I say with a smile "It's nice to meet you" I finish.

"Bless my circuits! I'm so pleased to see you guys."

"I've come to see my mother." Anakin said getting to the point.

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