Chapter 1: The Start

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Chester's POV:

'Parker Hajiaskari. My best friend. He's been there with me through everything. Through any ups and downs. Through all those crazy and scary experiences. He's always been my best friend.

So why am I having romantic feelings towards him? I mean I can barely think about him without thinking of anything romantically. The way his hair falls and waves, his dark brown eyes, his perfect jaw, his semi-scruffy beard, and of course his perfect smile. But it's not all about looks. He has an amazing personality as well. I know he may seem kind of rude on camera but behind the scenes he's a really sweet and caring person. He always makes sure I'm ok after filming, checking me over and making sure I'm feeling well emotionally. He also makes me meals all the time, mostly because I don't have very good cooking skills, but that's besides the point. Parker is practically top-tier boyfriend material.'

"Bro are you ok? Your face is crazy red right now and you've been staring at me spaced out." Parker commented, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, umm, yea I'm fine"

"You sure you're not sick or something?"

"Yea I'm sure. I'm going to my room for a bit if you need me for anything" I said leaving Parker alone in the living room.

I can't believe that I was thinking those things while subconsciously staring at him.

I finally got to my room, opening the door and flopping my bed. I felt so guilty for thinking those thoughts about my best friend. If he ever found out that I thought that way about him then our friendship would be ruined.

Parker POV:

Chester basically ran out of the living room and up the stairs before I could say anything more. I thought it was strange but Chester always acts a bit strange around me so I'm used to it.

As I was scrolling through Instagram on my phone I saw a LifeOfLuxury fanart pop up and of course it was ship fanart of Chester and I. I smiled at it and liked the post. I always want to support fans, especially when they're creative and artsy. Some of the fans are really talented. I kept scrolling and came upon some more ship fanart but this time Chester and I were kissing. I started to feel my cheeks warm up. 'Am I blushing right now?' I was in fact blushing. But why did seeing art of Chester and I kissing make me blush? Chester is just my best friend. I decided I should get off my phone for a little bit and headed to my room. As I made it upstairs I saw that Chester's door was open and saw him lying on his bed asleep. "He looks so cute right now" I thought out loud. I quickly covered my mouth and headed to my room. I can't believe I just called Chester cute out loud. Thank god he was asleep.

I made it to my room and sat down at my desk, opening my laptop and looking at emails. There didn't seem to be anything too interesting on there. As I kept making my way down the long list I heard my phone go off. It was a text from my friend Malikai.

M: Yo bro there's a party tomorrow. Just a few blocks away from your place. Wanna come?

P: Sure. What time is it at?

M: Starts at 9pm. But there's a theme

P: What is it

M: Valentines. You can wear anything pink, red, cupid theme, or just love in general

P: Alright. Chester and I will be there

M: Ight

Chester POV:

I felt light tapping on my shoulder. I woke up, not even realizing I fell asleep, to see that it was Parker.

"Mmm what dude" I said in a sleepy voice

"We got invited to a party tomorrow if you wanna go. Also what do you want for dinner"

"Can you make grilled cheese?"

"Yea sure. Also there's a theme for the party. Since Valentine's day is coming up it's all about love. So just like wear something that kind of represents that."

"Ok" I said as I got out of bed.

I followed Parker out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen. I sat at the counter as he went and started getting stuff to make the food. He put on his "Kiss The Cook" apron and started making the grilled cheese sandwiches. I just sat there and watched him. He looked so perfect. I started to space out while looking at him, thinking about how much I wanted to kiss him. That was until he snapped me out of my thoughts by putting a plate of food in front of me. Parker sat down next to me with his plate of food and we ate in a comfortable silence with small comments every now and then.

{Word Count: 801}


Author's Note:

First chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed! I will try to upload semi-consistently but please be patient as I am currently in school and in the process of moving. If you guys have any tips or constructive criticism feel free to share!!!

Also chapters will vary in lengths but I will always put a word count at the end!

Hope you have a good day/night and thank you again for the support!!


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