Chapter 5: It Always Happens With Horror Movies

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Chester POV:

I slowly awoke to the sun shining through the window. It wasn't a bedroom window though it was the living room window. I opened my eyes a bit more and realized that I was asleep on the couch. Then I instantly started blushing when I realized I was asleep on top of Parker. He had his hands resting around my waist and I could feel his chest rising and falling underneath me. I looked up at him and saw his pink lips, his messy hair and his stubble of a beard. I started blushing and smiling like an idiot at the fact that we were sleeping with each other all night.

I started to try to get up but as I started Parker's grip tightened around my waist. I looked up to see him still asleep. I tried for another minute but soon gave up. I decided to just lay back down with him. My mind started wandering through all the day dreams I've had about this moment. I wanted to stay like this forever. I wanted to cuddle him when he was awake. I wonder how he would feel if he woke up and saw us like this.

As I kept wondering and asking myself these questions I started to feel Parker move underneath me. He soon opened his eyes, making eye contact with me.

"Good morning. I tried getting up but you held me tighter in your sleep so I laid back down. I hope you don't mind" I greeted him.

"Mmm good morning Ches. It's ok I don't mind. How'd you sleep?" He said in his deep morning voice.

"I slept better than normal to be honest with you. How did you sleep?"

"I slept really good too."

We sat there in comfortable silence for a moment before I realized that I was still laying on top of him. I hurriedly scurried off of him and he slowly sat up a bit more. And he was blushing. Why would Parker be blushing at this right now? Was he embarrassed? I looked back at him and we made eye contact again, making me blush.

I love his deep brown eyes. I know that most people don't think brown eyes are as pretty as other colors but everytime I look at his I couldn't help but fall in love with the color. They match all his features perfectly. I loved all of Parker.

"Well what do you want to do today?" Parker questioned, breaking the silence.

"Well we should probably figure out something for a video. We haven't posted in a while and our fans are asking where we are haha"

"I guess I'll get looking at emails then we can do something for breakfast."

"That works with me. I'm gonna go take a shower."


I gave a quick smile and went upstairs.

Parker: POV

Chester went upstairs and I went to my room to start looking for emails. I opened my computer and started scrolling through the long list of emails. I was scrolling and carefully reading through each one until I heard Chester yell my name.

"Parker, can you come to the bathroom real quick!"

I got up and started walking towards the bathroom. When I got there I knocked on the door and Chester answered.

"Hey I was stupid and forgot my towel in my room. Do you think you could grab it for me?"

"Sure. I'll be right back"

I walked away and into his room. I saw his towel laying on his bed next to what seemed to be my pants but I decided to ignore it, grabbing the towel and walking back to the bathroom.

"Hey I got it"

"Can you set it on the counter? I'm in the shower so you're good"

I opened the door and walked into the bathroom. I set the towel on the counter.

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