Chapter 8: Drunken Mistakes

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Chester POV:

We walked out of the room to see a bunch of people arriving. Parker swiftly grabbed my hand and walked us out to the pool. When we got there it already had some people around and in it and I could feel the anxiety rising through my body.

"It's ok Ches I'm right here" Parker said looking down at the hand he was holding. I hadn't even realized I was shaking.

He squeezed my hand slightly tighter and walked me over to the far side of the pool. It was father from the backyard door so there weren't many people.

"Are you doing ok?" Parker looked at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"Yea. I am a bit thirsty though. I'm gonna go grab some drinks. Do you want anything?"

"Umm sure. I'll just take something light. I don't want to get drunk like last time haha"

"Ok. I'll be back in just a minute."

"Do you want me to come with you Chester? It may help you not be so anxious."

"No, I want to do this alone. Gotta build up my courage somehow haha! I'll be right back!"

I walked away from Parker, weaving by some people until I got into the house. I went to the kitchen and grabbed 2 cups. I put Mike's Hard lemonade in one and put some cranberry juice with a bit of vodka in the other. I'm not really a big drinker but I needed something to loosen me up a bit.

I walked back outside and noticed Parker wasn't in our original spot so I scanned the people around and had finally landed my eyes on the handsome Parker. However as I started to walk towards him I saw a girl talking to him. The girl was what people would consider attractive. She was on the shorter side, probably like 5'6. She had ivory skin and black hair that was cut at her shoulders. She was wearing a black and red one piece swimsuit. She looked to be about 23 and she looked to be the type of girl Parker would like.

I started to walk towards them again until I stopped in my tracks. She kept touching him on his arm and had him lean down to her level as she said something into his ear before he stood up straight again. Whatever she had said made him slightly blush and made him smile and laugh. I also noticed that Parker had a cup in his hand. I don't know why but that made me a bit saddened and jealous.

I let the jealousy get the best of me and I walked back into the house, going to the kitchen and chugging the 2 cups I had. I was surprised that I couldn't taste the alcohol in either of the drinks. I poured myself more drinks but this time just doing straight up Tequila.

Parker POV:

Once Chester left I stood alone for a few seconds before I saw Ivy start walking towards me.

"Hey Parker I wanna introduce you to my girlfriend!!"

Before I could say anything she grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards a small group of people. Once we made it there she started to introduce me to everyone.

"Guys this is Parker! Parker, this is Sean, Spencer, Chloe, Morgan and Jess! Jess is my girlfriend!"

"Hi everyone!" I said.

"Hey Jess I want you and Parker to talk some more. I think you guys would get along really well! I think you guys have a lot in common."

Ivy moved me closer to Jess and we started talking and Ivy was right we did have a lot in common. As we were talking she leaned had me lean down and told me in ear-

"Ivy was telling me about Chester. I think you'd guys would be cute together."

I stood back up straight and had a layer of blush on my face and I could tell I had a stupid smile on my face because Jess started laughing at me. We talked for a bit longer and I noticed that Chester still wasn't back yet. I was getting worried since it had been like 20 minutes, so I decided to go looking for him.

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