Chapter 6: Hope

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Chester POV:

As I started to wake up I felt hands around my waist. I woke up to obviously see Parker's hands wrapped around me. They were bigger than mine and they were so rough, yet so gentle. I slowly titled my head up to see Parker peacefully sleeping. I slowly moved to where I was sitting on his lap facing him. If anyone saw us in this position they would've thought we were boyfriends.

'Ha boyfriends'

I couldn't keep my eyes off his perfect features. I really focused on his lips though. I wanted that sensation of his on mine. I wanted to feel the softness of our lips crashing together in a slow but passionate kiss.

I carefully reached my hand up and delicately ran my thumb across his lips. I felt his small breaths come out. I felt so close to him and I wanted to, no, I needed to feel his lips again. I know he doesn't remember the kiss from that night but it never leaves my mind.

Just one small kiss from a sober Parker would solve all my problems. One small kiss anywhere on my body would send me into a state of satisfaction. And the problem was that Parker lips were so close. 'One quick peck on the lips is all I need' I thought to myself. And before I even realized I was doing it my face slowly inched closer and closer to Parker's. I could feel his breath on my face. I could see every last detail of his face. My eyes darted from his eyes to his lips. I should've stopped there but I was full of lust and love.

I closed my eyes and I brought my lips to meet his. I didn't want to pull away. All the magic was coming back to my world. Nothing else mattered in that moment. As I was getting ready to pull away I felt Parker kiss me back.


I was shocked but soon melted into the kiss and after a few seconds I pulled away, opening my eyes slowly to be met with a sleeping Parker.

"What?" I whispered out in shock.

I quickly jumped off the couch and ran to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. I paced around my room back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. My breathing was uneven and my heart was racing. I fell to my floor, leaning my back against my bed and pulling my knees to my chest. I can't believe I just kissed Parker while he was sleeping. I can't believe that he was asleep when he kissed me back. I didn't even know that was possible.

"You're so fucking stupid Chester! Obviously he would never kiss you when he's conscious. You're a freak who's in love with his best friend. Fuck, fuck, fuck" I talked to myself out loud. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear. Parker would've surely been disgusted with me if he ever knew about this.

I sat there with my head buried in my knees, mumbling all these things to myself, sobbing quietly, until I heard a knock on my door.

Parker POV:

I woke up to see that Chester was no longer lying with me. I decided to get up and look for him going to the kitchen, laundry room, dining room, and bathroom. Chester was nowhere to be found until I noticed his bedroom door was closed. I assumed Chester had woken up last night and went to his bed so I tried the door so as to not wake him up if he was still asleep. To my surprise the door was locked so I gave it a gentle knock. I didn't get a response so I knocked a little louder this time, still nothing.

"Ches are you in there?"

Still nothing.

"Chester? Are you awake?"

"I heard some shuffling and soon the door opened.

"Hey sorry I was asleep." Chester replied, looking down at the floor.

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