Chapter 3: The Party

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Chester POV:

As we walked in we were immediately met with loud music, people drinking and dancing, bright lights and the sight of red and pink themed decorations everywhere. Parker and I looked at eachother. He gave me a small reassuring smile, which I returned.

"I'm gonna go get us drinks, wanna wait over there?" Parker raised his voice loud enough for me to hear and pointed to a corner in the living room. I nodded my head and we went our separate ways.

As I pushed through the crowd of people I finally made it to the corner and stood there for a minute before seeing Parker make his way over to me. He handed me an unknown drink and when I took a sip of it the strong alcohol instantly hit me. I winced a little bit not thinking it'd be that strong. I heard Parker laugh as he looked at me.

"Don't worry bro I got you something with less alcohol in it. Here" He yelled so I could hear him over the music, handing me a different red solo cup. I took a sip of it and smiled as it tasted like lemonade. Parker had taken the other drink from me and started drinking it without any reaction.

We sat dancing, laughing and drinking the night away until I heard the song "Culo" by Lil Jon and Pitbull start playing. By this point Parker was definitely getting drunk. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a group of people dancing. He started dancing like no one was watching. I just sat there laughing at him until he grabbed hands and pulled me closer to him.

He started making our arms go in circles with the beat. He then let go, turning his back to me. Then Parker did something that I never thought he would. He started dancing, or should I say grinding, his ass against me with the music. I started seriously blushing. Parker then turned around and started singing along with the song. I was surprised because I didn't know he knew Spanish. He kept singing while making me dance with him.

I was definitely a little distracted by what just happened at first but then I started to loosen up and dance with him. Our bodies moved so smoothly together, especially when it was a fast song and he was drunk. Each time the song said "culo" I could hear the whole crowd, including Parker, yell it out. It was fun to see him not be so serious.

We kept dancing till the song ended, but just as I thought that we'd be done dancing, the song "Suave" by Pitbull and Elvis Crespo started playing. I know Parker loved this kind of music so I decided to stay and yet again he made me dance with him. This time was different though. It felt a bit more intimate. Like it was still a fast paced song but he kept a hold of me the whole time it played. I've never seen Parker act like this. He acted as if there wasn't a bunch of people dancing around us. He acted as if it was only us.

After that song ended we went back to the corner of the room and Parker went to grab us more drinks. When he came back he was smiling and it made me happy to see him having so much fun. He was beyond drunk by this point but I didn't care.

"Bro it's so hot in here!" He shouted, unbuttoning the top 2 buttons on his shirt, exposing the top of his chest.

I could feel my cheeks burning up. It was a mix of the heat, the dancing we just did, and the fact that Parker looked fucking hot right now. My thoughts got interrupted when I heard Parker yell something.

"Ches, we gotta go dance to this song!"

I turned my focus to the song playing. It was "Carry Out" by Timbaland Ft. Justin Timberlake. And before I could even answer he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the crowd.

He started dancing again with his back facing me. The moment the chorus started to play he spun around to face me. He was dancing and he started singing a bit louder. But he started doing something that made me blush so hard you could probably see it over all the flashing lights.

"Take my order cause your body like a carry out" He sang out pointing to me.

"Let me walk into your body until you hear me out" He sang again, sliding his hands around my hips.

"Turn me on, my baby don't you cut me out" He sang a bit louder this time while swaying our bodies from side to side.

"Turn me on, my baby don't you cut me out" He rang out looking me right in the eyes.

I was a flustered mess by this point and for the rest of the song he didn't let go of me. When the song was finally over we walked back to the corner and drank some more. We stayed there for a while, watching people dance and laugh. It was past 2am by this point.

After a while we heard the DJ speak over the speakers.

"Ok as this party starts coming to an end we're gonna end it with a slow song. So all our couples come out to the floor and enjoy the last song"

Parker grabbed my hand and started walking towards the floor until I stopped in my tracts.

"Parker, what are you doing? She said 'couples'."

"Ohh come on it's fineeee. We can still danceeee" He commented, slurring his words with a stupid smile.

I agreed with him and we went to the floor. I can't believe I was about to do a couple's dance with Parker. Does this mean he might like me back or is it just because he's drunk.

The DJ gave the couples a minute to get on the floor and then started playing "Apocalypse" by Cigarettes After Sex. Parker wrapped his hands around my hips and I put my hands around his neck. I looked around embarrassed and worried people were seeing us but I was met with a bunch of drunk couples to focused on each other to even realize we were there.

Parker used one of his hands to gently grab my face and turn my face towards him. We made eye contact and he lowered his head to whisper in my ear-

"I want you to keep looking at me while we dance"

I blushed and he picked his head up looking at me. I nodded in compliance and we started swaying our bodies in sync to the music. I didn't know Parker knew this song but to my surprise he started singing along.

"Kisses on the foreheads of the lovers wrapped in your arms. You've been hiding them in hollowed out pianos left in the dark. Got the music in you, baby tell me why. Got the music in you, baby tell me why. You've been locked in here forever And you just can't say goodbye"

And then he stopped singing and gently grabbed my face with both hands pulling me into a sweet and gentle kiss while the song played-

"Your lips, My lips, apocalypse. Your lips, my lips, apocalypse"

It was like the world stopped. All the sound around me faded away and all I could feel and focus on was Parker's lips on mine. My body felt electric being this close to him, touching him in such an intimate way.  We slowly pulled apart and he gave me a gentle smile.

"You ready to go home?" He questioned with small slurs in his words. I nodded my head and we headed back home.

I let Parker use me as support so he could walk in a semi-straight line. We only had to walk a couple blocks but man was it hard when you were trying to support someone who's taller than you, while they kept almost falling over. After what felt like forever I saw our house come into view.

I walked us up to the front door, unlocking it, walking in and having to kick it shut. Parker let go of me and walked over to the couch. Falling onto it and passing out. I walked over to him and took off his boots and watch. The other stuff would be fine till morning. I took his phone and headed upstairs to his room. I put his boots by his door, put his watch on his desk and plugged his phone in for him.

I walked down the hall and into my room where I changed out of everything and put on some sweatpants, not bothering with a shirt as I was exhausted and didn't have the energy. I flopped onto my bed and closed my eyes. I had one last thought before falling asleep-

'His lips were so soft'

 {Word Count:1476}


Author's Note:

Third chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed! If you guys have any tips or constructive criticism feel free to share!!!

Hope you have a good day/night and thank you again for the support!!


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