Chapter 4: Aftermath

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Parker POV:

I woke up totally out of it. I looked around and saw I was in the living room. My boots, watch and phone missing. I got up, just to fall right back down from the insane headache I had. I sat for a second and got up again, this time luckily being successful. I walked into the kitchen and took some ibuprofen. I then decided to head upstairs. I walked into my room to see my boots by my door, my watch on my desk and my phone charging. I assumed Chester took care of me last night which made me smile.

I walked over to his room and knocked on his door. He didn't answer so I slowly opened the door and saw Chester laying stomach up on his bed. My eyes subconsciously landed on his bare torso. He looked so cute sleeping without a shirt on. I then walked over to his bed, accidentally tripping over the clothes he was wearing last night, which made me fall onto the end of his bed.

I then heard a small groan and felt Chester start to move.

"Dude what are you doing?" He questioned. However I didn't answer. I just stared at the adorable man in front of me. His hair was messed up, his eyes sleepy and his lips looking extremely kissable.

"Parker?" He pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry I came in here to check on you and accidentally tripped" I explained while looking down because I was embarrassed.

"Oh ok. How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good but I have a major headache this morning."

"Yea you were wasted last night. Do you remember anything that happened?"

"No. I just remember getting to the party and that's really it. I do kinda remember dancing but it's all a bit fuzzy haha. I'm sorry I got so drunk last night."

"Oh. Um it's alright." Chester mumbled looking a bit disappointed.

"Everything alright?" I questioned, lifting his head to look at me.

"Oh, yea everything's fine. I'm gonna get dressed and then I'll come downstairs."

"Ok. I'll make breakfast for us" I said getting off his bed and walking out of his room.

'Did I do something last night to upset him? I was so out of it I don't remember a thing'

I kept racking my brain about it until I heard Chester start walking down the stairs.

"Hey do you want some eggs and bacon? Maybe some toast?" I asked the messy haired boy.

"Sure that sounds fine. I'm gonna wait in the living room if that's ok"

"Oh ok sure. I'll call you when it's ready." I said a bit saddened. He always sits in the kitchen with me when I cook.

I watched him walk into the living room and I started getting the stuff to cook breakfast.

As I was cutting the bacon I got lost in my thoughts until I felt a stinging pain in my finger. It pulled me back into the real world and I realized I had cut my finger.

"Ow fuck!" I shouted.

"What happened? Are you ok?!" Chester said, running into the kitchen.

"I cut my damn finger." I winced while turning on the sink and letting the water flow through the cut.

"I'll be right back" Chester said while running out of the kitchen only to quickly return with a first aid kit. "Let me see it" He pulled my finger from the water and dried it off, putting antibiotic ointment on and finally finishing it by wrapping a band-aid around my finger. "That should do it." He stated

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