Chapter 9: The Truth

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Parker POV:

I woke up with the worst headache of my life and I felt like complete shit. I sat up and looked around. I was in one of Ivy's guest rooms. I drank way too much last night and I don't remember a single thing. I picked up my phone to check the time, it was 9:30am, no wonder I was so tired. I then checked my notifications and when I say there was a lot I mean there was a lot. I had multiple notifications from people messaging me on Instagram, snapchat and my number. I also had multiple missed calls from Chester. I decided to look through the notifications first, as I was still upset from Chester. I don't think I could get drunk enough to forget what he said.

As I read through the notifications I saw that multiple people were mad at me for kissing someone named Charlotte. I had no clue who Charlotte was or why people were so mad that I kissed her. I finally found out when I opened a message from Malikai.

M: Dude I just saw Ricky's story. Why would you kiss a girl that has a boyfriend? They were a super happy couple and now they're having problems because of you.

After I read that I immediately went to Ricky's story and that's when I saw it. There I was, kissing a random girl while people shouted at me. I felt embarrassment, anger, worry and sadness run through my body. The video replayed and replayed until I finally turned it off and threw my phone to the side of the bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what I did and that's when it hit me.

"Did Chester see the video?" I thought out loud.

I quickly picked up my phone and tried calling Chester. No answer. I tried again and let the phone ring as I started getting dressed. No answer. I hurriedly put my shoes on and started walking out of the room and towards the front door. That's when I was stopped by Ivy.

"Are you already leaving Parker?"

"Yea I should get home and check on Chester."

"Maybe that's not the best idea. You told me last night that you guys didn't leave off on a good note."

"Yea I know but I bet he has a hangover and I could pick some medicine up on the way for him."

"Parker, do you remember what happened last night?"

"Well all I know is that I kissed a girl for some reason and people are pissed about it."

"Parker, you kissed her because you thought she was Chester."


"Maybe we should sit down for a minute and talk."

Chester POV:

I woke up and I felt horrible. I walked to the bathroom and I caught my reflection in the mirror. I didn't just feel horrible, I looked horrible. My hair was a disaster, my eyes were puffy, probably from crying last night, my eye bags were dark and huge and to tie it all together I had a total hangover. I walked out of the bathroom and went back to my room. I checked my phone to see missed calls from Parker. I was confused and went to his room only to be met with nothing.

'Did he not come home last night?'

I then remembered what happened last night. I got hammered and acted stupidly, we fought and he left. I then remembered the video. A sad jealousy came over me and tears started to prick at my eyes. But instead of sitting and sulking I thought I'd put these heavy emotions to use. I made the decision to go for a run. I used to love running but I never really had the time for it when Parker and I were doing videos.

I honestly didn't feel many of the effects from the amount of alcohol I drank last night. Most of the pain I was feeling was emotional from everything that's happened within the past 24-Hours.

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