Chapter 7: Small Party Anxiety

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Parker POV:

I woke up and decided to go downstairs to make breakfast. I wanted to make breakfast before Chester so he could wake up and have a nice meal. As I headed downstairs I could hear something but I couldn't quite tell what it was. As I made my way towards the noise I realized it was Chester. He was sitting on a stool at the counter quietly mumbling something to himself.

"Hey Chester?" I got no response. It was like he didn't even know I was there.

I walked up behind him and gently tapped him on the shoulder and he still made no notice of me. He seemed to be really deep in thought so I decided to do something I knew would get his attention. I walked up behind him and carefully snaked my arms around his waist, putting my chin on his shoulder and whispering into his ear-

"Hey Ches whatcha doing?"

He instantly sat up and a shocked expression arose on his face.

"Jesus Parker you scared the fuck outta me!"

"I'm sorry haha! I tried to get your attention twice but you didn't even realize I was here. So I wanted to get your attention" I said moving away from him, my hands sliding across his waist in the process.

"Sorry I was just lost in thought."

"What were you thinking about so intensely?"

"Umm stuff" I could see a tint of red creeping up on his cheeks.

I didn't push on the topic anymore as I started playing music on my phone, setting it on the counter and starting to cook breakfast.

Chester POV:

I noticed Parker set his phone on the counter after turning some music on but to be honest I wasn't paying attention to that. I couldn't take my eyes off of Parker. I don't know why I found him so attractive when he was cooking but he just was.

As he was cooking I heard his phone ding. He ignored it but then it dinged again, and again, and again.

"Hey Chester, can you see who's texting me? My hands are dirty right now" Parker asked me as he held up his hands that were in fact dirty.

"Oh um sure"

I picked up his phone, turning it on to be met with a picture of him and I as his screensaver. I smiled at it and went to unlock his phone, only to remember I don't know his pin.

"Hey umm what's your pin?"

"Oh it's just your birthday haha" I smiled again. His phone had a picture of him and I and he had my birthday as his pin. Unfortunately that smile faded away as I read the notification from the person texting him.

"Umm it's from someone named Ivy"

"Oh can you read them to me? I heard a lot of notifications, were they all from her?"

"Yea I'll just read them in order I guess"

I started to read them out.

"Hey there's another party tonight. We had so much fun at the last one I thought you'd like to come. Malikai will be there too. Along with some others." I could feel a small pull at my heart. Who was this girl and what did she mean "they had so much fun".

"Hey, are there any others?" Parker asked me.

"Oh umm yea." I read out the rest. " It's a pool party and there will be a lot of hot girls in bikinisssssss. We could maybe finally get you some action or even better a girlfriend. Just text me back if you wanna come and I'll give you the address." I could feel more pulls at my heart. Maybe Parker would find a girlfriend and maybe he'd forget about me.

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