Chapter 2: Getting Ready

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Chester POV:

I woke up at 10am and decided to go downstairs. As I started descending the stairs an amazing scent filled my nose. I kept following the smell to the kitchen, walking in and seeing plates with bacon, eggs, chopped fruit, and freshly made pancakes. But what really caught my eye was Parker wearing his "Kiss The Cook" apron.

"Morning Ches!" Parker greeted me as I stared in amazement at all the food, blushing a bit from the nickname.

"Good morning Parker"

"How'd you sleep?"

"I slept pretty good. You?"

"Yea same."

"You must've woken up early to make all this."

"Well I woke up early and couldn't go back to bed so I decided to get up and make breakfast. It's better than having cereal isn't it?"

"Haha yea it is. Plus I love eating stuff you make. It always tastes delicious"

Parker chuckled and started taking the food into the dining room, with me helping him. We then sat down and started eating.

"This is amazing. Thanks for making breakfast" I said as I took another bite of the pancakes.

"Of course!" He replied with the cutest smile. "Are you ready for the party tonight?"

"Yea but I have no idea what I'm gonna wear."

"Me too. I'm probably gonna wear something simple."

We finished eating and cleaned everything up. Parker headed to the living room and I followed. He turned on the T.V and we watched it for a while until I heard Parker start talking.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" He said, getting up from the couch and heading upstairs. I stayed on the couch and went onto my phone scrolling through Instagram, seeing regular posts and every so often coming upon some art of Parker and I. I lost track of time but after a while I heard Parker coming down the stairs.

"Hey, do you know where my red and black checkered (Not plaid checkered. Like bigger checkers) shirt is?" He questioned. That caught my attention and I turned my head towards him, immediately feeling my cheeks heat up. Parker was standing there, wearing nothing but some black sweatpants. Obviously I was spacing out because Parker grabbed my attention back again.

"Yo. Chester you good?"

" Hm- What? Oh yea I'm fine and I think your shirt is in the laundry room hanging up."

"Thanks. Also you're super red right now" He giggled, walking away and out of my sight.

Parker POV:

I walked out of the living room and to the laundry room. ' He looked so cute blushing and stuttering like that' I smiled as I thought to myself.

I couldn't go back to sleep this morning because I was processing my feelings. I figured out that I definitely have feelings for Chester but I decided it was best if I just kept them to myself. I can push them down until they go away because I knew there was no chance of Chester liking me back.

I got my shirt and started to head back to my room. As I made my way upstairs I noticed that Chester's room door was open. I glanced in there as I passed, seeing Chester taking his shirt off. He was turned away from the door and I could see his back. It was slim but fit and my god was it hot. I quickly walked towards my room disappointed in myself that I would ever think that about my best friend.

I walked into my room and threw my shirt onto the bed, walking over to my dresser and finding an outfit for the party. I found some black and worn jeans, a black belt, and some black boots. I know it was a Valentine's party but my black and red checkered shirt has enough red in it to still fit in the theme. I threw it all on my bed and went to the bathroom to fix my hair. Chester was already in there working on his hair.

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