2. What's Izuku Want ?

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Izuku has heard stories about love at first sight before. Heard the farfetched tales of lovers whose eyes meet and the world feels like it stops in that instant. He's read about encounters where it feels like a spell is cast that makes everything in the room fade away and all you see is the person who has suddenly seeped so far into your senses that you feel lost and found all at the same time.

He's honestly never believed any of it, mostly because he has never in his twenty-two years of life experienced anything even close to it but now as he stands here in a tattoo shop that he would have never entered on his own with a trembling core and a world that suddenly seems to be blurred with the exception of scarlet eyes he wonders if there might be something to it.

The spell of that locked gaze is broken by a voice and the tugging of his shirt sleeve.

" Izu? Zuzu? Hello? You in there somewhere?", Mina ask with a giggle.

Green eyes struggle to look away from the crimson ones burning a hole through him. He looks down at her with a slight blush.

" Uh, y-yes. Sorry I spaced out there a minute."

She gives him an all-knowing smirk

" Yeah, don't worry he has that effect. Anyways Izuku Midoriya this is Katsuki Bakugo, another friend from high school and the owner of this shop. Bakubabe, this is Izuku, or Mido as you heard."

That blonde with the burning scarlet eyes is now much closer then Izuku realized.

A smirk forms on a mouth that is now the target of green eyes.

' Ugh Izuku, it's like you've never seen a guy's face before! Stop staring at him like this!', he scolds himself.

Inner thoughts are broken by a voice laced with smoke, seduction and trouble.

" Mido huh?"

There's a blush on the fair skin of the greenett, one that Katsuki notices and for whatever reason, likes. The action draws him a step closer seeing the soft presence of light brown freckles that dot fair cheeks in an almost star-like pattern.

" Y-yes. Well, I mean obviously that's...that's not my real name.. but it's a nickname of shorts these two, mostly Kami, came up with."

Izuku wants to cruse himself for sounding like such a babbling idiot right now. He doesn't remember a time when he felt so stupidly tongue-twisted.

The blonde's face is unreadable for a minute, as if he's taking this information in. Izuku feels unnerved by this intimidating male and he's not even sure why after all he's known him for only minutes.

Finally Katsuki has just a hint of a smile on his sharp features.

" Huh, I definitely wouldn't let that Dunce fucker give me nickname."

Kaminari rolls his eyes.

" Me?! You literally have a nickname for everyone, I'm not sure you even actually hear or remember anyone names, like ever."

Those scarlet eyes shift from Denki to the greenett, that piercing gaze stays locked on while he shrugs slightly. A slow smirkish smile that's somehow more attractive than a normal smile forms.

" That's not true, this is Izuku. I remember the names that I have a reason to."

Izuku feels heat on his cheeks while green eyes widen.

Denki raises a brow.

" What would be your reason for Mido?"

The blonde smirks at the greenett as he answers the question while he turns around and walks over to his workstation.

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