7. Surprise Opportunity

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Izuku takes a deep breath trying to get his heart rate and racing thoughts under control.

Green eyes shift from the blonde who appears to be somewhat patiently waiting for an answer as to why he darted away from his tattoo shop on a rainy night like he was fleeing the scene of a crime.

He decides to shift the conversation for just a moment while he gathers his nerve.

" Um.. f-first can I ask you how you found my apartment?"

The blonde smirks.

" Pinky. I texted her trying to find out why you where a damn no show and she basically told me if I wanted to know I'd have to come see for myself. So she gave me your addres and here I am.", he grins.

Izuku raises a brow then rolls his eyes because of course it was Mina. Mina who drug him to get a tattoo in the first place, Mina who ratted him out and told this knock-out blonde about his stupid mistake with his name, Mina who lead this large blonde dangerous tiger with the scarlet eyes of a predator right to the rabbit's cage.

He clears his throat feeling those scarlet eyes on him.

" Uh, y-yes I see, that makes sense. So umm hey, I.. I wanted to apologize for the um, you know the butchering your name thing. I .. I totally heard Mina wrong because I was ...well .. distracted I guess.", he mumbles out feeling like he's lost the ability to speak properly at all.

The blonde watches shy eyes that don't want to meet his. He can't help but give a sly smirkish smile.

" What was so distracting?"

Deep green eyes just catch a glimpse of smirking crimson ones and he knows damn well Katsuki is well aware of what was so distracting.

The greenett shrugs with a blush.

" Just.. just everything really, being in a tattoo place for the first time, meeting new people...just.. everything."

Katsuki can see through the words, knows he was the distraction and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't pleased that he was the cause.

" Let me hear you say it.", Katsuki says with ease shifting the conversation suddenly.

Emerald eyes snap to the blonde in embarrassed shock.


The blonde smirks leaning in fairly close watching the blush on fair skin increase.

" If you let me hear you say it I'll forgive you for butchering my name but I gotta hear you say it first."

Izuku is pretty sure he's stopped breathing as he feels the warmth of Katsuki's words dancing against his skin.

No one Izuku has ever met in his entire life have ever had this strong of an effect on him. Katsuki seems to have the effortless power to both drawl him in and equally fluster him to the point of making his mind go completely blank.

Those crimson eyes are steady locked onto the shy greenett who can't seem to look away even if part of him wants to.

" K-Kacchan."

Unexpectedly when the nickname falls from perfect shaped lips that the blonde is watching intensely he feels his heart skip in his chest, it's so surprising because Katsuki is fairly sure it's never happened before now.

The blonde let's a slow grin take over his features.

" Ok, I'll forgive you but only if you continue to call me Kacchan, I won't let anything else slide."

Izuku raises a brow, a blush still dusting his cheeks.

" What? Seriously? But... I mean it's so far from your name, why would you want me to keep saying it that way?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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