5. What's up with Your Friend?

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By the time Izuku got home he was cold and wet through to his bones. He strips immediately freeing himself from the cold clothes clung to his skin.

Goosebumps invade his body as he turns the shower on hot and shivers while he waits for it to be warm enough to stand under. As soon as the water temperature allows he gets in letting the hot water and steam warm his trembling skin.

Closing his eyes after he final begins to feel warmer he thinks about the events that just took place.

He's honestly not sure why seeing Katsuki just speaking with someone else hit him so hard. It's got no reason to, it's not like he and the blonde are dating or even close to it, so Katsuki having what looked like a flirtatious talk with someone shouldn't affect him at all, but it did and now he's trying to figure out why.

Maybe he had gotten his hopes up when Mina had made it sound like the blonde was possibly interested in him too. Maybe tonight on that rainy sidewalk he realized that Katsuki's flirts with him were nothing more than part of his job.

Emerald eyes open slowly under a hot water stream as his mind travels to a place inside himself that now aches. Katsuki was intense, bold, uncensored, confident and outgoing, of course he wouldn't see him as someone he would be interested in dating. Izuku has never seen himself as anything special enough to stand out, especially to someone like the blonde tattoo artist.

Suddenly a blush forms making his skin redder then the hot water he's under.

A name is ringing in his ears now mixed with rain water and traffic.

" Come on inside and talk to Kacchan for a while"

He covers his face with both hands now in sheer embarrassment.

" Oh my god. Mina! Mina must have told him! Ugh just kill me now, maybe I'll get pneumonia from being soaked and die before I ever have to see him again.", he mumbles to himself as he turns off the water finally.

He dries off and gets dressed in heavy sweats as he glances around the living room while he towl dries his hair.

Green eyes land on his sketch book. He should get back to work, he has a deadline and his little trip that ended in disaster tonight put him behind as it was but he feels too tired to go on tonight. He doesn't even make it into his bedroom instead lays on the couch pulling a blanket up over his head. He doesn't want to think anymore tonight, about anything.

Across town a blonde tattoo artist is thinking though. Crimson eyes outside on the rainy street watching traffic go by on a slow night in the shop.

His brow is furrowed as he thinks of the wet greenett who looked like a deer in headlights when Katsuki spotted him.

What was with that look, he questions.

Izuku hadn't smiled or blushed or anything. In fact he looked... looked.. sad? Upset? He isn't even sure and that's irritating the fuck out of him.

That little shit even backed away like he was scared of him suddenly, stumbling over his own feet then taking off like a bat out of hell in the pouring rain like his ass was being chased.

Crimson eyes narrow. He should have chased him, should have chased that little shit down who had the nerve to look at him with that kind of expression and demanded an explanation for why it was there in the first place.

He reaches into his pocket for his phone with irritation placing a call while his eyes remain on the rainy night.

Three rings and a bubble voice answers.

" Hi Bakubabe! What's up?"

" Yeah exactly, what the fuck is up with your friend??"

She raises a brow having no idea what he's talking about.

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