4. Rainy Mistake

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Clouds are rolling across a sping sky. The scent of rain in heavy in the breeze that's blowing into an open apartment window. White sheer curtains move with every breath of wind being breathed out.

Green eyes stare out at the sky, an upcoming storm immanent as it dances close to the sky's edge.

Izuku's sketch book lies open on the desk in front of him, pages blowing as his mind wanders.

He should be drawing, he has a deadline to meet and he's already been up most of the night working on it but he's had a hard time focusing.

Honestly he's had a difficult time focusing ever since he entered a tattoo shop on main Street three days ago. Dark crimson eyes and a deep liquid silk voice keep entering his mind and intruding on his thoughts.

Izuku had never met anyone like the bold, completely tattooed up artist who said exactly what was on his mind without an ounce of hesitation or shame. Katsuki flirted with ease, spoke his thoughts with confidence and was so attractive it almost hurts to gaze at him.

If all of those things weren't enough Izuku had never met anyone who talked to him the way he did. Katsuki spoke questions to him no one had ever asked and actually seemed to be interested in the real answer, plus the blonde had wanted him to speak for himself something no one hardly did and definitely didn't put the effort in to make sure if happened like moving to a private room so his friends wouldn't speak for him.

Emerald eyes watch the rolling clouds with thoughts still turning. The blonde was extremely interesting to him also. There was some story to Katsuki who had learned his art on the streets then channeled them into an actual living under the guidance of someone who wanted him to stop causing trouble, though he'll admit that that too hot for his own good blonde is probably definitely still trouble in more ways than one. Izuku has always played everything on the safe side but for some reason he's drawn to the thought of this kind of trouble.

He shakes his head trying to get the thoughts to stop looping in circles. He needs to focus on his job and besides what in the world would the sexiest guy he's ever been around want with him? He knows Katsuki could probably have absolutely anyone he wanted, heck his voice alone would cause others to fall at his feet. Izuku was quiet, shy sometimes absolutely awkward. The blonde was forward, loud, smooth and definitely had a wild side, all things the greenett wasn't.

Still though, he can't help but be curious about what dating someone like that would be like.

Green eyes roll suddenly.

" Ugh, stop thinking about that. It's not happening, just because he was a little flirty doesn't mean anything. Besides he's probably like that with everyone, I mean tattoo artist get tips and stuff so it would make sense for him to be a little extra with that kind of thing.", he mutters to himself.

Suddenly he cringes.

" Oh my god stop talking to yourself, that's another problem."

His phone rings breaking his empty room ramble making him snap back to reality. He looks around his messy desk moving things around in search for the device that he never seems to be able to keep track of. The sound is muffled he thinks as he scrunches his face in wonder then opens a desk draw to find the black phone with a lit screen that reads Mina.

He grins answering it.

" Hi Mina. What's up?"

She laughs lightly on the phone as always making him smile.

" Jeeze, took you long enough to answer. Did you lose your phone again?"

He laughs.

" No way, what would make you think that?", he lies standing up rubbing the back of his neck as he begins to walk around his apartment to stretch.

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