6. Dangerous

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Tired ?



Burnt out?

The answer to all four of those questions is a resounding.... yes.

These are Izuku's thoughts as he sits at his desk with a pencil to his sketch book trying to frantically draw the last few pages he needs to meet his deadline for work. He's behind schedule, incredibly so. The night after he had gotten soaked in the rain he got sick, just as he figured he would but the cold he assumed he had ended up leading into bronchitis which in landed him in bed for a week unable to do much else and now he's struggling to catch up with his work.

He's stressed out knowing he needs to finish this in time but yesterday and today were the first day he's felt well enough to climb out of bed and get to work properly.

Across the city a blonde tattoo artist is the one finding it hard to work properly. He's irritated, annoyed, something right under the surface of his skin like an itch he can't reach. He's sitting at the desk in his shop staring down at his appointment book his large fingers tapping over a name that has been circled in red ink several times.

Izuku Midoriya

Problem is that name of that green eyed freckled face little shit was supposed to be back in this shop in the blonde's tattoo chair two days ago.

Crimson eyes glance up at the clock on the wall who's ticking sound seems to be mocking him. Katsuki has even waited to see if he would show today but as the minutes click down to closing hour he knows he's not showing himself.

A blonde brow almost twitches with frustration because how dare this little shit waltz into his shop, gush over his work, get caught up in his words, look at him with those wide curious green eyes, tell him he'd be back for his color appointment then not fucking show up or even call to cancel for that matter.

Eyes, green eyes. The sight flashes in Katsuki's mind of those eyes in the rain with a look he couldn't place as the smaller male darted away from him like the blonde was out for his life. Something that is still bugging the fuck out of him in a way he can't explain.

He lets out a grumble of frustration as he picks his phone up and places a text.

Bakubabe 😍
Is Izuku with you by chance ?

A Pinkett who's at work raises a brow at the text she just received.

Um hello to you too and no? Should he be?

Bakubabe 😍
Well he sure as fuck isn't here and that's where he should be...two damn days ago. I feel like I got stood the fuck up! And you know how crazy I am about finishing a job. Like is he dead, cause that's the only fucking excuse I'm accepting

Mina giggles at the response.

No, he's not dead and don't say things like that. Maybe you should go see for yourself why he's not there cause honestly I'm not sure. I've been soo busy that I haven't even had time to talk to him but I can give you his address.

It's a lie, one she's giggling through as she types. She knows Izuku was sick and that now he's lost in the pages of his work again forgetting everything and everyone around him but she also knows he has a thing for the brash blonde and that the feeling seems to be mutual on the blonde's side. There's nothing wrong with a little encouragement that will lead in hopefully the right direction.

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