3. Color

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Izuku's heart is beating so fast he's sure it's probably visible through his button-down shirt. He feels almost lightheaded, like he had too much to drink and has some sort of buzz swimming through his head as he stares at those piercing crimson eyes. His mind is racing as he tries to answer a question that has never been asked of him before.

There's a smirk on the most attractive mouth he has ever seen suddenly.

" You alright over there? Shit I haven't even got the needles out yet or touched your damn skin, should I break out the smelling salts in case you pass the fuck out already?"

Izuku snaps his attention back to reality as he smiles sheepishly.

" Sorry, I.. I was just thinking about what you asked me."

" You mean when I asked what you wanted?"

Izuku nods shifting his eyes down as he thinks.

" I guess no one has really ever asked me that."

Katsuki studies the male in his tattoo chair who to him looks saddened by what he just said. Normally the blonde doesn't question things like this. With most others he would blow it off and be annoyed that he hadn't gotten an answer yet. But something about this friend of his friends turned on-the-spot tattoo client was different. He can't even place what the hell it is yet, he just knows it's there, something unknown to him like a puzzles missing piece.

The blonde clears his throat then smirks slowly speaking words that cause an instant blush.

" So I'm the first huh? I like to be the first in lots of things."

Mina laughs from a few seats over.

" Bakubabe! Do not scare him off! Izu is shy!"

Izuku wants to crawl out of this chair and out the door right now since what his friend just announced totally embarrassed him in front of this gorgeous blonde and the truth is he's not scared, he's been drawn in by the second.

Katsuki keeps his eyes on the greenett seeing that blush dust freckles.

He likes freckles he decides as he studies them further, something he didn't know till right now.

He chuckles as he yells across the room to his friend.

" He's not going anywhere, probably wouldn't let him if he tried anyway."

He says that with a wink that sends fire across Izuku without warning and now he forgets what the heck the question was he's been trying to answer.

Katsuki taps his pen on the pad in his lap with a grin.

" Alright, enough fucking around. So come up with any ideas yet?"

Izuku scrunches his face in thought.

Katsuki raises a brow watching. The face being made pulling at an unknown heartstring.

" Well, I honestly don't know."

Katsuki gives him a very rare but gentle smile hearing nerves in the tone.

" That's alright. Let's see if we can figure it out. Give me an idea of some stuff that you like, or something about you."

Mina speaks up again.

" Oh! He likes spring! It's like his favorite time of year!"

Katsuki meets green eyes that only smile. He clicks his tongue looking over at the girl a few seats down.

" Oi Pinky, I mean this as lovingly as it can come from me but would you shut the fuck up and let him answer for himself! God damn.", he snaps making all his friends snicker at his response.

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