Chapter Five

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I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open, I really did, but the way Father John was giving a lecture about kindness and love just bored me further

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I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open, I really did, but the way Father John was giving a lecture about kindness and love just bored me further. My eyes slowly shut, and my head falls onto the wall beside me. My eyes flicker open here and there, until they properly shut and a dream begins to start in my mind.

All until...

Just as the boundaries between reality and the dream world began to blur, a low, velvety voice cut through the haze, stirring me back to consciousness. "Tired, Miss Tate," he whispered seductively into my ear, setting my heart aflutter.

My eyes snapped open to find Mr. Kane standing behind me, his gaze fixed on Father John with an undercurrent of tension in his jaw.

"Not at all Mr Kane." I whisper back, not wanting to interrupt the lecture, my eyes trained on the priest as he spoke.

"I thought otherwise, Miss Tate, please respect Father John when he speaks."

"Yes sir." I respond, sitting straighter.

It wasn't my fault someone kept me up all night, maybe if he had told me that he already knew about the situation. I would have had a good sleep and not have been falling asleep in Father Johns lecture.

Penelope glances at me, and I shake my head as I rush my fingers through my hair. This was the most boring fucking lecture. "You are dismissed." Everyone stood up at the same time, and exited the church, I follow behind Penelope as we enter the hallways.

Penelope's hushed voice cut through the quiet corridors as we made our way down.

"You nearly slept through the entire church," she whispered, her gaze sympathetic.

"I know, I didn't sleep all night," I confessed, weariness still evident in my voice. We continued our journey through the dimly lit hallways, my fingers lightly tracing the cool surface of the window frames we passed.

"How come?"

"Just couldn't. I need a holiday or something," I sighed, the weight of sleepless nights apparent in my words.

"Well, lucky for you, we will be going on one soon." Her words sparked my curiosity, and I raised a brow inquisitively. "The students who score over ninety percent on their mid-term exams get to go on a holiday with the school—completely funded."

"How? Where?"

A mischievous smile played on Penelope's lips as she divulged, "this year, I heard we're going to Canada."

"I'm going to go sleep. For half an hour."

"Okay, don't forget we have Mr Kanes lecture in an hour." I nod my head, wondering to my dorm room. The moment I open the door, I drop onto my bed, and close my eyes to fall asleep.

 The moment I open the door, I drop onto my bed, and close my eyes to fall asleep

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