Chapter Nine

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The day of the exam

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The day of the exam.

My alarm buzzed, and this time I made sure to not ignore it. I sit up, rubbing onto my eyes as I slam onto it but it would not stop ringing. Penelope groans, sitting up as she throws a pillow right at me. "It isn't stopping!" I chuckle out, hitting her back with the same unicorn pillow.

"That is the most disgusting ring alarm I have ever heard." Penelope mutters, I slide out of bed and open the window before throwing it out.

"Ouch!" Someone yells, my eyes widen and I dip down from the window. Penelope holds in her laughter, "someone just hit me with a clock!" They complain.

"Oh shit."

"Shit, shouldn't have done that." Penelope shakes her head at me, and we both begin to get ready for the exam. We clean ourselves up, change into the uniform and grab our bags.

I was nervous.

Nervous for how I am going to take this exam, would he make me do it after class like last time? We walk out of the dorm room, heading down the hallways before reaching the church for morning prayers. I take my usual seat right at the back, Eleanor sat in front of me and Penelope beside me.

"Welcome everyone, today we will..." and I zone out.

I don't know why I zone out but I just do, not that I'm disrespecting the church or father John, it's just religion never really interested me unlike science. My mother believed in Jesus, says he is the one who will open the gates to heaven but my father, my father didn't care. He loved life however he wanted. He loved doing daring and sinful stuff that pissed my mum off.

My fingers lace around my necklace.

I miss him.

My mum doesn't.

She barely talks about him anymore, that woman doesn't have feelings. Her love has always been based around surgery. I mean, she's forcing her own daughter to be one, so I guess that answers it.

The church is finally over, and I wait by as everyone leaves. Penelope being a good friend and staying with me, I didn't want to close the moment of my fathers memories. He's portrayed as this bad person, but he isnt. My fathers a good man.

"Come on Lina."

I stand up, throwing my bag over my shoulders as we walk out the church doors. Everyone huddling by the lockers, holding papers or staring at their locker door. "What's going on?" Penelope whispers, and suddenly all eyes were on me.

Why the fuck is everyone looking at me?

We walk down, and my body pauses and I turn to rip out a sheet of paper from one of the students hands.

Only to see printed pictures of my body.

In the shower room.

My hands covering my boob.

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