Chapter Seventeen

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He taps his card against the reader, and he didn't even let me pay- he pushed my card away and even when I tried to fight him, he looked at me in a certain way

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He taps his card against the reader, and he didn't even let me pay- he pushed my card away and even when I tried to fight him, he looked at me in a certain way. I could tell he liked being dominant.

He likes being a man.

And if I was completely honest, I loved that. I have a small fetish for dominant men, I'm a submissive. And I know all of this thanks to the books I read at home.

I stand up, following beside him as we walk through the empty halls. He looks back down at me, almost checking if I was following him or if I had disappeared.

Without thinking, he takes my hand.

His hands were large, a fitting complement to his muscular and tall frame. I halted in my tracks, seizing the moment, and pulled him back towards me. My free hand wound around his neck as I pressed my lips against his.

Rising onto my tiptoes, I savored the warmth and taste of the whiskey lingering on his lips. He reciprocated, stepping backward until my back met the cool surface of the hallway wall.

In an instant, he lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling the undeniable hardness beneath his trousers. The realisation of my effect on him heightened the intensity of the moment.

His fingers tangled in my curls, gently pulling as our tongues danced in a passionate exchange. "Fuck, Marco," I whispered, lost in the intoxication of the moment.

"Language, Lina," he murmured against my lips, a hint of his teacher's authority lingering even in this heated exchange.

Abruptly, footsteps approached, and we hastily parted ways as he set me back down on the floor. A passing couple cast us an knowing glance, their smirks suggesting they might have sensed the electric encounter. I looked up at Marco, only to notice my lipstick had left its mark on his face.

"Oh, um, hang on." Marco raised a brow, his eyes fixed on me as I use my thumb to wipe away my lipstick from his mouth. I couldn't help but smirk, as we head back to the car.

As we walked towards the car, Marco couldn't hide the amused glint in his eyes. I could feel his gaze lingering on me, and a mischievous grin played on his lips. The night air was filled with a hint of excitement as we approached the sleek, black car parked under the dimly lit streetlamp.

"Hmm, a little possessive, aren't we?" Marco teased, his tone playful. I shot him a sly look and chuckled.

"Just making sure no one else gets any ideas," I replied, a playful twinkle in my eye. Marco opened the car door for me with a gallant gesture, and I slid into the passenger seat.

As he got into the driver's seat, Marco glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. "So, was that a subtle way of marking your territory?"

I laughed, the sound echoing in the confined space of the car. "Maybe, just a little," I admitted, my lips curling into a teasing smile. The engine roared to life, and we merged into the quiet city streets.

Marco, PoloWhere stories live. Discover now