Chapter Fifteen

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The end of the trip loomed on the horizon, and the unexpected closeness between Penelope and Jim echoed the parallel narrative that had unfolded between Mr

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The end of the trip loomed on the horizon, and the unexpected closeness between Penelope and Jim echoed the parallel narrative that had unfolded between Mr. Kane and me. The revelation of their shared first kiss sent a ripple through the group, an unspoken acknowledgment of the intricate dynamics that had evolved in the secluded mountain retreat.

As we gathered for the final day, Ms. Anderson's disapproving gaze fell upon me. "Come on, children—Miss Tate, do you think what you're wearing is suitable for a skiing trip?" she inquired, her tone laced with a hint of reproach.

I glanced down at my attire, a long sleeve jumper with jeans and a pair of white boots. "I... uh, didn't plan on skiing today," I mumbled.

Suddenly, an arm was thrown over my shoulder, and a mischievous voice interrupted the tension. "Don't worry, Ms. Anderson—I will make sure to keep her warm," Anthony declared with a cheeky grin. The unexpected gesture drew a collective gaze, diverting attention momentarily from the brewing complexities.

Ms. Anderson's raised eyebrow indicated her dissatisfaction with my earlier response, but before the moment could linger, Mr. Kane's authoritative voice cut through the air. "Anthony Broughton, move your arm and get on the coach," he commanded, his tone firm and brooking no argument.

I turned back, meeting Mr. Kane's gaze, and our eyes locked briefly before he shifted his attention to Ms. Anderson. The subtle tension in his expression spoke volumes, revealing a hint of annoyance at the sight of Anthony's arm around me.

As Anthony reluctantly withdrew his arm, he nudges for me to follow him inside the coach.

Is Mr Kane jealous?

I pushed my hair behind my shoulder, navigating down the narrow aisle of the coach. Just as I passed Eleanor friend, she decided to play a mischievous game and stuck her foot out, causing me to trip backward. In that split second of panic, when the ground seemed to rush up to meet me, a strong pair of arms enveloped me, preventing a disastrous fall.

The unexpected rescue left me breathless, and as I regained my balance, I found myself held securely in Mr. Kane's arms. His gaze met mine for a fleeting moment, but then he shifted his attention, his eyes narrowing as he addressed the mischievous Mila Young.

"Mila, in a funny mood are we?" he remarked, a hint of sternness in his tone.

"No, sir," Mila responded, her innocent tone belying the playful glint in her eyes. The brief exchange added another layer of intrigue to the unfolding dynamics within the group.

He is ignoring me.

Of course he is dumbass, he is your head teacher!

Continuing down the coach, I settled beside Anthony, finding solace in his company since Penelope had opted to join her new boyfriend. "Love birds!" I call out jokingly.

With a sly wink, he reached over and playfully shook Jim's chair. Penelope, unamused, swiftly slapped Anthony's hand, signalling for him to cease his antics.

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