Chapter Thirty One

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"And a much huge congratulation to Miss Lina Tate Armani, not only being the worlds second youngest doctor to win this award but for her efforts in saving this little girls life!" The crowd goes wild, I lift my dress and head up onto the stage-a smile printed on my face as I take the award from Mick. He kisses my cheek and heads off the stage after we took a photo.

"Hello everyone," I began, my voice resonating through the hushed anticipation of the crowd. "I am truly honoured and humbled to receive this award. It has been a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, but I stand here today grateful for every step of the way."

The applause swelled around me, a wave of appreciation and admiration washing over the auditorium. I took a moment to gather my thoughts, my heart overflowing with gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. I look over the round tables filled with prestigious doctors.

"I want to express my deepest thanks to the medical community, my colleagues, mentors, and teachers who have supported me along this path," I glance down at the glass trophy with my name printed onto it. "Having a mother who is a very well known surgeon in this community pushed me to be better and work harder, I struggle with a disability - dyslexia, I kept it a secret until my teacher helped me through it."

A swell of emotion welled up inside me as I spoke about him. 

"So, to my teacher, whose faith in me never wavered, I offer a sincere thank you. You saw beyond the challenges and shortcomings, and you believed that I could not only become a doctor but the best one."

With a final smile and a heartfelt thank you, I stepped away from the podium, the echoes of applause ringing in my ears. I shake the hands of the doctors who stood on the stage, heading down to my seat where I hand my assistant, Natasha, the trophy.

"We have more people wanting to meet you, Miss Armani," Natasha said, leading the way through the bustling crowd of elite doctors. I followed her, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness as we approached the group.

"Well, congratulations are in order, Miss Armani," one of the esteemed doctors said, extending a hand in greeting as I joined the circle. The warmth and respect in their voices filled me with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

"Thank you so much," I replied, shaking their hands one by one.

"You deserve this award very much." I hear a familiar voice from behind me, I turn around and my eyes lock with hers.

"Penelope!" I exclaimed, surprised and delighted.

She laughed, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Surprise! I couldn't miss your big moment."

I couldn't contain my excitement as I threw my arms around her in a tight hug. Pulling back, I held her at arm's length, taking in her presence. "I can't believe you're here. Thank you for coming all this way."

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